I'm having a really hard time after having my baby...

Not sure how to get back into the groove of things after having a second child (now 3 months). My first is 3 years old so before I was able to go to the gym in the mornings (like 5am), but now I'm to tired and worn out for that. I know the saying is there are no excuses but I feel like my to do list is huge and I just cant figure out where to put gym time in at. I know I could do an exercise dvd but honestly those just don't work for me and I do actually like going to the gym. I have a full time job(40 hours), a disabled mom who is in a home, and two children how do I make this work between making sure I make time to visit her, care for and give my children attention plus cook clean and do laundry. Any advice on how to manage or from other mothers who are doing it would be wonderful.


  • How much weight do you want / need to lose? How's your diet? You have a lot going on, so first of all focus on your diet. Make sure you get enough protein and fat and nutritious foods to keep you fueled and your brain functioning well.

    Don't worry about a formal exercise program right now. Factor in movement into your day even if it's a few body-weight exercises on the floor when playing with your kids or in between loads of laundry or helping with your mom. Sounds like you are active, so I'd focus on things like planks, push ups, squats - things that target the big muscles will be helpful.
  • I agree with the above, maybe focus on diet to start losing. Make gym a priority, like work. Put it at the top of the list. I work full time, go to school, and have four kids - including two under two.m one walking one crawling, neither potty trained! I get the feeling like there's no time, but you've got to make it. Unfortunately when you rank priorities some have to be at the top and some the bottom.
  • Oh, and since you said you like to go to the gym, do they have a day care there? Can you take the kids with you? This is a great chance to teach them from a young age that taking care of your health is important.

    Or, you didn't mention a husband or SO (no need to respond if you don't want to; not meaning to pry), but is there someone else to watch the kids 3 or 4 days a week for an hour (or less) after work so you can go straight to the gym after work?
  • My kids are 3 years apart, so I totally understand (though now they are 6 and 3!)

    Is the baby sleeping through the night yet? If not, you TOTALLY have a valid reason for not getting to the gym at 5am. Don't be so hard on yourself!! If you can first work on eating healthy habits and incorporating some informal movement into your day (walking, pacing, dancing with your 3 year old), these will help. But above all, until you're getting a decent night sleep, you can't expect too much from your body. It will happen eventually.

    Maybe one day you'll be ready to get back to the gym...when that happens, you'll have to pick a time and schedule it like you would schedule any appointment. I bought a used treadmill right before baby#2 was born and it has been a lifesaver. It means just going downstairs rather than packing up a bag and driving to a gym. It saves a ton of time. It also allowed me to workout while the baby napped on weekends or days I wasn't working.

    Also, if you previously went to the gym for an hour, maybe you could start off with just 1/2 an hour (waking up at 5:30am instead of 5)?

    You can also take advantage of the weekends and schedule long sessions then.

    Here is what I am currently doing, besides eating right:

    - I get up with the kids and my husband gets up early to workout. He then takes them to school and I have 20-25 minutes to workout before I need to get ready for work. This is my favorite time of the day. I either run on my treadmill or lift weights.
    - I count my steps and aim for an additional 5000-6000 steps a day (not including my morning workout or routine things like walking from my car to the office--I'm talking about ADDING steps to my norm). I pace a lot when I'm home, take short walk breaks a few times a day at work, and walk another 10+ minutes at lunch.
    - I try to keep moving with my kids in the evening. Aside from sitting down to eat dinner, from the time we get home to when they go to bed, I'm on my feet in some capacity. Bonus points for playing, running around, dancing with them.
    - I sometimes do yoga or something lightly active after the kids go to bed (I've tried something more strenous, but then I can't fall asleep)

    Good luck, and get some sleep when you can!

  • ALSO....when weather permits, my husband will cook on the grill on Sundays...enough to last a few nights, so that helps with the cooking. I made a big salad for the family on Sunday and take a portion for my lunch every day, and then it just takes a few minutes to chop more and add to the big pot of salad every night.

    When I cook during the week, I actually cook the night before. We get home from work/school and immediately eat what I made last night. Then we do my 6 year old's homework (standing, lol), and then we play for a bit for bath/bed time. They get to watch a cartoon before bed and I pack our lunches for the next day/refill the pot of salad and/or get started on tomorrow's dinner. I try my best to get everything done by the time they go to bed so I get some "me" time at 7:30, but sometimes I still have laundry to fold or have to finish cooking dinner...but some nights I have some real quality time before going to bed, and that means I can relax, go to bed early, and kick *kitten* the next morning.

    You'll find some time saving tricks, too. Remember, you got used to a "new normal" 3 years ago. Now you will get used to a "NEW new normal." Trust me, it will all work out!
  • Thanks ladies. Luckily I'm only 10lbs away from pre-preg weight but still I really want to lose a total of 35 pounds. SO is no help and his patients are short and the baby cries alot. My eating habits suck, I do pretty well during the week but almost always crash and burn on the weekends. Not sure how to get that in check either.
  • jaga13 wrote: »
    ALSO....when weather permits, my husband will cook on the grill on Sundays...enough to last a few nights, so that helps with the cooking. I made a big salad for the family on Sunday and take a portion for my lunch every day, and then it just takes a few minutes to chop more and add to the big pot of salad every night.

    When I cook during the week, I actually cook the night before. We get home from work/school and immediately eat what I made last night. Then we do my 6 year old's homework (standing, lol), and then we play for a bit for bath/bed time. They get to watch a cartoon before bed and I pack our lunches for the next day/refill the pot of salad and/or get started on tomorrow's dinner. I try my best to get everything done by the time they go to bed so I get some "me" time at 7:30, but sometimes I still have laundry to fold or have to finish cooking dinner...but some nights I have some real quality time before going to bed, and that means I can relax, go to bed early, and kick *kitten* the next morning.

    You'll find some time saving tricks, too. Remember, you got used to a "new normal" 3 years ago. Now you will get used to a "NEW new normal." Trust me, it will all work out!

    I love the idea of cooking dinner the night before, I will have to try that.
  • I have a 3 month old and 4 year old, and I try to make workout time play time. For cardio, I take walks pushing a double stroller to the park and back. Strength training is a circuit cued by music - my preschooler and I alternate between running/dancing around the house and free weights/body weight exercises. He uses plastic rings as "weights" :smiley: When baby cries, I just pick him up and do things like calf raises and squats.

    This may not work for you - you have quite a bit on your plate it seems - but maybe on your days off? Good luck! I have sent you a friend request!