I'm anaemic and need help finding a sustainable diet!!!



  • RGv2 wrote: »

    BWAHAHAHA that thread was ridiculous!!! At first I thought this was the same chick but I see this OP is willing to take supplements and eat real food!

    OP - talk to your doctor, you may need to add in a prescription strength iron pill.
  • I have anemia problems too. In addition to red meat and greens I also eat fortified foods. Stuff like Luna Bars and breakfast cereal have a lot of iron added to them. ( I know you are trying to go low carb but some of those Luna bars have 30% of your daily iron.)

    Coffee deters absorption. When my anemia is bad I have to totally cut it out.
  • RGv2 wrote: »

    I was going to do that, you beat me to it!
  • I'd say up your carbs a bit- I find that I personally do best and feel energetic when I cut down on refined/grain carbs, but keep the veg/fruit/dairy carbs - I have a banana almost every day. Just my thoughts... You have to find the right balance for you.
  • You don't want to take an iron supplement without a doctor's recommendation. Too much is not a good thing. Pedidiva is right you need to know the underlying cause which can be anything from blood loss to kidney disease etc. Feel Better!!!
  • TiffanyR71 wrote: »
    I'd say up your carbs a bit- I find that I personally do best and feel energetic when I cut down on refined/grain carbs, but keep the veg/fruit/dairy carbs - I have a banana almost every day. Just my thoughts... You have to find the right balance for you.

    I agree with reducing the refined carbs and keeping fruit/veg carbs. I am also anemic, I would incorporate foods high in vitamin C around the time you take in Iron rich foods, as vitamin C helps to absorb Iron. Stay away from caffeine, as caffeine inhibits Iron absorption. If you still have these symptoms after a couple of weeks, head back to your DR.
  • basically, I'm anaemic, (meaning I have a lack or iron in my blood), so in theory should eat lots of green leafy veg and red meat, as well as my supplements. Relatively speaking I am good at keeping up with the tablets and including these items in my diet. However I am trying to lose weight by trying a low carb diet. I have found this has made me super tired again and brought back my anaemia symptoms.
    Anyone got any other suggestions?

    If you have been diagnosed as anemic, then your doctor should have advised you on what type of diet to eat.
  • I have pretty severe iron deficiency anemia but I've finally gotten it under control with 6 months of daily iron and b12 supplements. I would go back to the doctor and have your blood checked - see if it is actually an iron deficiency or if something else is causing the symptoms (such as eating low carb).

    If you are actually anemic I would recommend taking an iron supplement - being anemic can make you feel pretty terrible.
  • Thanks for everyone's suggestions, I have been properly diagnosed with anaemia yes and I'm on Ferrous Sulphate tablets, 3 times a day (sigh) but I'm going back for more bloods soon.
    I've been trying low carb for a number of weeks, and it's getting slightly better but not ideal. I just never seemed to lose weight any other way.

    I never thought about cooking in cast iron thanks for the tip!!