I'm anaemic and need help finding a sustainable diet!!!

basically, I'm anaemic, (meaning I have a lack or iron in my blood), so in theory should eat lots of green leafy veg and red meat, as well as my supplements. Relatively speaking I am good at keeping up with the tablets and including these items in my diet. However I am trying to lose weight by trying a low carb diet. I have found this has made me super tired again and brought back my anaemia symptoms.
Anyone got any other suggestions?


  • Even on a low carb diet you should be able to eat plenty of leafy greens and red meat. Those would be my suggestions.
  • Eat red meat and green veggies. If you aren't going to take a supplement you have to do what you have to do to be healthy. Plus red meat is delicious and versatile.
  • Let me begin by saying I am not a Dr. and I do not need to prepare food for anyone who is anemic. My family eats a lot of chicken, pork & fish and I try whenever possible to cook it in cast-iron cookware. Some amounts of iron have been proven to leach into the foods.
  • basically, I'm anaemic, (meaning I have a lack or iron in my blood), so in theory should eat lots of green leafy veg and red meat, as well as my supplements. Relatively speaking I am good at keeping up with the tablets and including these items in my diet. However I am trying to lose weight by trying a low carb diet. I have found this has made me super tired again and brought back my anaemia symptoms.
    Anyone got any other suggestions?

    Stop the low carb diet?

  • How long have you been doing the low carb thing? I felt really tired and cranky when I did low carb a few years ago. That might be contributing.

    Further, though, try to keep up on the red meat, dark green leafy veg, and try to get some orange juice/oranges in there at the same time to help with the iron absorption.
  • Red meat and lots of greens - also cook in Cast Iron.
    You might need a supplement as well, but I am a believer in getting what you need from your food and nature rather than a pill whenever possible.
    Best of luck
  • If you are tired on low carb diet, maybe it's not the right kind of diet for you. I find it tough to get enough iron from my diet, and I eat a lot of veggies and meat. I would suggest progressively adding in more dietary sources of iron, but also make sure to be supplementing and perhaps doing the infusions if needed.
  • You want to definitely consult your doctor on what you should be eating - but as someone who is anemic, you should try to eat as much green veggies as you can (spinach is HUGE for iron) along with red meat. Personally I would cut out the low carb diet until you are healthy again.
  • The only issue with low carb, which isn't my kind of diet at all, is if you decide to cut out the orange juice out
  • I have found (with myself) that kale, broccoli and spinach have helped bring up iron in my blood. Raw or steamed is best. If cutting out carbs reduces your energy try to stick with whole grains and quinoa. You may have to play around with what you like - avoid over processed carbs as much as possible to help you lose the weight.
  • Beans also have iron. Cook a big pot of black beans and kale, spinach, and other veggies. Spice it like taco meat and it will be so delicious!
  • Maybe with only ten pounds to go, change your goal to building muscle and re-comping. Eat as many iron-rich foods as possible.
  • How long have you been doing the low carb thing? I felt really tired and cranky when I did low carb a few years ago. That might be contributing.

    Further, though, try to keep up on the red meat, dark green leafy veg, and try to get some orange juice/oranges in there at the same time to help with the iron absorption.

    ^ Yep, vitamin C will help with absorption. Calcium deters absorption somewhat.

    Tried low carb years ago....made me feel wiped out all the time.
  • If you're supplementing and still feeling the symptoms despite eating lots of iron-rich foods, you need to get back to the doctor and rule out any issues. Don't let it get worse because you definitely want to avoid the injections, which are terrible and make you feel like garbage afterward.

    If there's nothing wrong, then low-carb obviously isn't for you. You can lose weight without being low-carb and it certainly doesn't sound like it's beneficial for you personally.
  • It might not necessarily be anemia even if it feels like it. It could be hypoglycemia from eating too low carb or a thyroid problem.
  • There could be a myriad of options, but my suggestion if you want to keep the low-carb is to add in more Vitamin C. You probably cut some sources out by going low carb (potentially fruit). Vitamin C helps iron absorption. So you might still be getting enough iron in your diet through leafy greens and red meat, but might not be absorbing it. From one anemic to another.
  • echofm1 wrote: »
    There could be a myriad of options, but my suggestion if you want to keep the low-carb is to add in more Vitamin C. You probably cut some sources out by going low carb (potentially fruit). Vitamin C helps iron absorption. So you might still be getting enough iron in your diet through leafy greens and red meat, but might not be absorbing it. From one anemic to another.

    this is true
    Choose foods containing vitamin C to enhance iron absorption

    You can enhance your body's absorption of iron by drinking citrus juice or eating other foods rich in vitamin C at the same time that you eat high-iron foods. Vitamin C in citrus juices, like orange juice, helps your body to better absorb dietary iron.

    Vitamin C is also found in: Broccoli, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Melons, Oranges, Peppers, Strawberries, Tangerines, Tomatoes

    I also take an iron supplement. I have found feosol to be the easiest to digest
  • what is the underlying cause of your anemia? Blood loss?