elothen wrote: » Yeah I went through that. 5 years smoking, quit for a year, back on for 6 months, been clean for 2 more years now. This will probably start some sort of huge health argument but... my vote is e-cigs. Maybe they'll kill you all the same but what I do know is that I've been using mine obsessively for 2 years and am able to play 3-5 soccer games a week without having any breathing troubles. I've helped over a dozen people make the switch and they're all thrilled that they did. If you've "tried it, didn't work" hit me up and I'll help you work through it. I was able to help my retired navy neighbor switch who'd been smoking 1-2packs/day since he was 15 (30 years of smoking). If he can do it, anyone can.
bencze1 wrote: » I have been smoking for nearly 20 years, tried to quit 3 times. This attempt is lasting since last september! The one (big) difference is that this time around I did not fool around and smoke a cigarette or two once in a while saying "I'm not addicted anymore I can" etc. Used to do that before (only with this beer during world cup, whatever). I also run now. Good luck. If it is important enough you will succeed, it is a matter of priorities. Oh and btw I also used nicotine chewing gum this time (for a few weeks), it was a LOT easier than without.