Trying to lose and need a support team

Hi I am 33 and since having my daughter in 2013 I have struggled to lose the weight. I have now committed myself to being healthy and losing. I think I get discouraged when I don't see results quick enough. I have invested in vegetables and if I need to cook a separate meal from my husband then so be it. I have been seeing a nutritionist. I need an extra push sometimes when I want to give up and reading others success stories is great help. Being a mom, full time worker and a wife I am usually very exhausted but the past 3 weeks I have committed to working out everyday except weekends and making wiser choices for my meals. My mind is stronger than me sometimes and makes me what what I want but because I am aware of that now I have trying to be in more control of not letting my mind and cravings, stressful eating habits control me. I can't wait to see results though :| ... Help please someone .. encouragement etc.


  • I am a 33yr old mother of 3 and it's definitely hard! You can do it! I wake up an hour early so I can get my workout in while everyone is asleep :) My biggest struggle is the eating. So many kid snacks everywhere :( I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday and also do 25-30min of elliptical in the morning. Looking to lose 15lbs! Just have faith. You can do it!! Just keep thinking how good you'll feel when you see results! :)
  • You can do this. How do I know that? Because I am doing it myself. I am 48 and a mother of 3. I work also and am studying for a new career. I have always had a weight problem and struggle with it everyday. In January I went for my physical and some leg problems. I weighed in at my highest ever of 223 pounds. The doctor said I had prediabetes and very high bad cholesterol. They wanted to put me on medication but I chose to try something different. Change my eating. Change my life. I thought about if I ever left this earth and left my children behind. fitness pal was my life saver. Since January, I have managed to lose 25+ pounds...I only weigh myself once a month and try to just go about my day without obsessing over the food I eat. It is a slow go but I feel so much better all around. Dinner is the hardest so I chose to cook separate for me and separate for them. Sometimes for me it is a sandwich. I eliminated all white processed carbs. Sometimes the loss is slow but keep plugging away..just a note that I have not added exercising yet. Too busy to fit it in as of now but plan on adding that in to my routine at a later date. I also have my scale for food out on the counter and I do not eyeball anything for measurements. I log every calorie in my diary even my half and half that I will not give can do this...