fish oil

Is fish oil good for muscle building I heard you start to smell bad after you take do I really need this


  • I take nordic naturals cod liver oil for all the health benefits, mainly to reduce inflammation in my joints. My doctor recommended it and I notice that many people into fitness do take it. In fact most of the successful people I know in fitness take it. So far it's not making me smell bad lol! As for the muscle building - lift weights! But I know you already know this :wink:

  • I do lol thanks
  • Yeah I have been taking it for almost two months and I do not smell bad. It makes your burps tasteweird for a couple of hours afterwards but I had one person tell me thats how you know its good lol!
  • Lift weights and eat in a calorie surplus.
  • There is a lot of quality variations in fish oil, many are not fishy smelling and I never heard of someone smelling bad. Mostly people are concerned with taste.

    Most people take this due to the omega 3 fatty acids you get. It probably won't have any relationship to direct muscle building. However there is some ongoing research that suggests it may help reduce triglycerides which can reduce your risk of heart disease. Other claims are potentially lowering cancer risk, improved bone strength and elevated mood.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Muscle building, no. That comes from a surplus of calories and a progressive weight training program. Health benefits such as improved HDL and LDL's, potential. Some research suggest that it can lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

    Here is some research on fish oil
  • jenjay8045 wrote: »
    Yeah I have been taking it for almost two months and I do not smell bad. It makes your burps tasteweird for a couple of hours afterwards but I had one person tell me thats how you know its good lol!

    I only have this problem if I don't take my fish oil pills with food. If I take them with breakfast - like I usually do - no problems.
  • Fish oil will not help muscle building but it can have other good health benefits. Fish oil can leave a funky aftertaste sometimes or you get like a left over taste if you burp. Krill oil doesn't have those side effects.