You don't have to explain your diet to everyone. Just take ownership.



  • Also, why should I have to explain why I have avocados and whole wheat wraps. Is it okay to ask someone "why are you eating that third brownie when you're morbidly obese and diabetic?" Nope. Our bodies, our businesses. :)
  • I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?
  • I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?

    Not at all!
  • One of THE best things I've read in these forums. And go you for being 54 and in such phenomenal shape!! I just turned 52 and have discovered the joys of weight lifting... if I could look half as good as you a year from now I'd be seriously happy!
  • I am eating this food because I want to eat this food. OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM.
  • I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?

    LOL no I didn't mean it for just women. As far as I know this is a COED forum. <3B)

  • I am eating this food because I want to eat this food. OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM.

    NOM NOM NOM NOM... Love it!!!!!!!! <3
  • OMG! This is so true.!!
  • Love all of this!! And 75% of the time or more people also don't give a crap what you are eating or why.
  • Yup for sure..same thing applies to life in general...

    I own myself and my decisions and choices...I don't get "pushed"
  • Great post!

    I think a lot of times when people complain about the judgment they get for their diet, it's because they're talking about their diet.

    "No thanks, I'm counting calories and it would push me over for the day" is just an invitation to the other person to comment and start a whole conversation about weight loss. It will inevitably lead to them giving their opinion, going on and on about their own struggles with weight loss, bringing up the latest fad diet, or going down any number of rabbit holes.

    "No, thanks" is enough. If they ask again, follow up with "really, no thanks, I'm fine" and leave it at that.

    We often get the reactions we ask for.

  • segacs wrote: »
    Great post!

    I think a lot of times when people complain about the judgment they get for their diet, it's because they're talking about their diet.

    "No thanks, I'm counting calories and it would push me over for the day" is just an invitation to the other person to comment and start a whole conversation about weight loss. It will inevitably lead to them giving their opinion, going on and on about their own struggles with weight loss, bringing up the latest fad diet, or going down any number of rabbit holes.

    "No, thanks" is enough. If they ask again, follow up with "really, no thanks, I'm fine" and leave it at that.

    We often get the reactions we ask for.
    good point

  • People: "How dare they say NO?!" *The M.F.P. crowd begins a slow thunderous clap* -world breaks-
  • A lot of times, my friends will say "calories dont count when you're.... eating standing up, eating with friends, having cake, etc". It's so annoying. I'm like "no, they do count and they dont fit into my day/week so leave me alone" :p
  • The last one I used was during an event that was a pancake breakfast. It was a bit of a brunch. I could have easily pigged out and I love pancakes. But I chose to eat something else at home. I said, "No thanks. I'm good. I ate before I came, I'm not really hungry. Thanks." That usually ends the conversation.
  • I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?

    I don't think so. I will say that, in general from what I have observed, more women than men seem to have more trouble saying "no" without more of an explanation than men do. (This is a generalization based on my own observation of the women around me.)
  • This is an awesome post, and OMG you look amazeballs.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?

    I don't think so. I will say that, in general from what I have observed, more women than men seem to have more trouble saying "no" without more of an explanation than men do. (This is a generalization based on my own observation of the women around me.)

    Men know what they want, women need someone to tell us.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    I'm still the only dude who has posted to this thread. Was this meant only for women?

    I don't think so. I will say that, in general from what I have observed, more women than men seem to have more trouble saying "no" without more of an explanation than men do. (This is a generalization based on my own observation of the women around me.)

    On the other hand, I think it is somewhat expected that men eat whatever they want, so when they say "no", it is unexpected. I know I've received quite a few comments about me refusing food.
  • One of my favorite tools with pushy people is to turn it back on them. "Wow, what I eat is really important to you!" "Why is it so important to you that I eat this?" "What happens if I don't have any? You seem really concerned."