One of the biggest mistakes people make in the beginning is feeling the need to explain their diet to everyone, or explain why they are not eating this or that in a social situation.
There is also the pressure from others, all the "food pushers" in our life. Just don't let them have ownership of what you put into your body. It's not their body, it's yours. You don't have to explain that to them, but you do have to DECIDE it is yours to own.
Take ownership for food intake. Never again give that ownership to friends and family. If you are at a party and there is cake, you can decide for yourself to have the cake or not. Own what you put in your body.
You don’t have to explain why you decide to not have cake. You don’t have to explain you are on a diet. Just simply say “No thank you” and OWN IT.
Cake is not bad. I don't believe in good food and bad food lists. However, there are times when we say no to stay on track. I always remind myself there is a NEXT TIME.
When I do have cake, I ALWAYS want more. Of course we want more we are human. Most of us can eat the whole dang thing. Every dang day. But, that won't get us to our fitness goals. And if you are already at your goal, it won't keep you there.
It's a lifestyle. Little choices every day. Nothing big and drastic or even very exciting in the day to day effort.