Anyone else with 70lbs to lose?

I'm really new to this and wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me! I'm trying to get to a healthy weight for the first time in my life!


  • My current goal is about 32 more pounds, but 72 is probably my final goal. 42/m, married, living in South Carolina if you'd like to add me.
  • BeaBella0614,

    Although I have been here since January 2014, I took a very very long break from calorie counting when I graduated from college in May 2014 (nearly a year, since I came back 16 days ago). I am definitely in the same boat as you, I need to lose around 70 pounds to be closer to a healthy weight (and the weight my doctor wants to see me at).

    Welcome to MFP! When I have been logging on, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and had success. Now it's time for me to jump back on the wagon and continuously log (foods and exercises) again!
  • I am a busy mom and nanny and im not sure when it happened, but at some point i gave up on myself and over the last 5 years have gained about 50 lbs. Ideally i would like to lose around 70 which would put me at 130 lbs . Im working on breaking an emotional eating habit and putting myself first . I could use some friends and supporters in the same boat to cheer me on or remind me whats important along the way
  • I have 100lbs to go so yes more people than we realize are in the same boat...we can do this!!!
    Feel free to add me
  • Wow! People are so supportive. It feels good to know I'm not alone with this.
    I've had two little girls in a short space of time and work too but think I need to quit with the excuses and start working on me. I'm an emotional eater too and need to break the cycle.

  • Add me please x
  • I have around 100lbs to lose, feel free to add me if you'd like! :smile: