May Walking Challenge

HI!! I have tried numerous times to make the life changes necessary to be healthy. I find I usually over reach and then get discouraged. In that light, I want to make a new challenge:

Walk 30 min, 3 times a week through May 15th
Walk 30 min, 4 times a week the following week
Walk 30 min, 5 times a week the last week. (You can adjust your own challenge as desired)

I find that holding myself accountable to others is helpful. And walking is something that we can all do in our own time and at our own pace.

Who's in??


  • this sounds like a good challenge and right up my alley. So you're doing it by time and not distance, which is good! Do you do Map my Run?
  • I'm in! This is great, I have been doing baby steps to lose weight and get back into the swing of things vs. jumping all in and burning out after two weeks. Last week my goal was to quit coffee & soda, and this week was to go for a walk 3 times. :)
  • I'm in too. The weather is just right for taking a walk
  • Yay!! I'm so excited for all of us! Yes, Amanda, I am doing time not distance. We all have different paces and strides. I think it's easier to say 30 min and then we are all on equal ground! I used to use Map My Run but haven't redownloaded it since I got my new phone. Plus, I don't "run" :wink:
  • Oh, and just a little info about me:
    My name is Mallorie
    I'm 40 years old and just graduated with my BS last May
    I clearly believe in "better late than never" and that is why I'm trying to get healthy now!
    Also, I'm a TV addict. Yes, that's a problem! (But watching Glee on Netflix keeps me on the treadmill longer at the gym!)
  • I am in. I pledge to walk 30 minutes every day this May.
  • I'm in. My name is Catherine and I just turned 48. I am about a year away from finishing my bachelors degree. More power to all of us!!!
  • I will do it! I am a 30yro nurse who is a mother to 2 special needs children. i have signed up to do a 3k walk for june. So this will definitely help.
  • Sure I always need a new routine in my week. It will be awsome.
  • Bumping. I wish threads you comment on would show up in a 'my topics' like it used to.
  • I'm in. I need to stop sitting on the sofa next to the treadmill and actually start using the treadmill again.
  • I'm in too! I am 39 yrs old, married with 2 kids and work full time with children (plus 2-3 hour per day commute). I am already walking 20 min in the evening with my children but I will do 15 min on my lunch break. Yay, I'm excited to have some support!
  • Is it too late to join in on this? Starting Monday I will be watching 4 kids all 4 and under! So I plan in getting the wagon out and taking them with me :-)
  • Not too late at all!! Welcome! And thank you all for your energy- I'm excited to have a challenge that is completely realistic and doable!

    I have already done 2 this week and will do my third tomorrow!
  • Bumping. I wish threads you comment on would show up in a 'my topics' like it used to.

    I agree!! I have commented on some other threads but can't find them now. :(
  • Got my 30 minutes in today, not the way I had planned but it works I guess. I was on my way to pick up my husband from work and had planned on a walk with him after he was home, stopped at the gas station and my car decided it was time to die so I had to walk home. Stupid cars LOL
  • I'm a little late but I'd like to join!
  • I'm in !! I'm 47 currently waiting to have shoulder surgery so walking is my only exercise. ..its also keeping me sane! ! I now love it :smiley: