a thyroid condition

My thyroid count keeps on fluctuating from normal to really high.. No matter how much I try I start gaining a lot of weight suddenly.. I could really really use some tips on diets that work besides my thyroid condition


  • Are you seeing a doctor? And by thyroid count, do you mean TSH or T3/T4?
  • That's frustrating. I've been there. I hope this is something that you are openly discussing and managing with your doctor. Thyroid conditions are nothing to mess around with. The first step is to work with your doctor to get your thyroid hormones into a normal range. Until that's under control, this will be more complicated.

    After that, it's the classic calorie intake (eating) vs. calorie expenditure (movement, exercise and basal metabolic rate).

    In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to be aware of what you are eating. Weigh, measure and honestly track everything and emphasize eating a healthy, moderate, balanced diet. Don't get discouraged and fall into bad habits because you're frustrated.
  • By thyroid I mean tsh and I am consulting a doctor.. But lately.. I had an issue of adulterated tablets.. Can yu believe that?.. And my weight shot up like a jet..again... :( And thank yu so much Kate_Bot... I am definitely going to try my best :)
  • Have you been diagnosed with Hashimoto's?
  • Have you been diagnosed with Hashimoto's?

    ^This. It sure sounds like Hashi's messing around. Also, are you seeing an endocrinologist or a GP?

    As for diet? Some people with hypothyroidism do better limiting their carbs. For others, it makes no difference.

  • Nope
  • I'm consulting an endocrinologist
  • I was "subclinical" for several years (yeah, right....) before finally being diagnosed in my mid to late 40's with hypothyroidism. I got the usual Levothyroxin for many years. Now I see a MD who considers herself a functional medicine MD and by working closely with her on increasing my Ferritin (iron) to OPTIMAL range, adjusting my meds to Armour, and eliminating gluten.....my labs (AND the way I feel) are the best EVER at age 61! I haven't bothered with antibody testing for Hashimotos as everything I have read pretty much says if you are diagnosed Hypo, there is an 80-90% chance you have Hashimoto Syndrome, an autoimmune disorder.
  • This pharmacist is an excellent resource for Thyroid disorders and she is, herself, actually diagnosed. http://www.thyroidlifestyle.com/
  • Thanks guys :)
  • I have been there. And I was one of the unlucky ones that actually gained weight with Graves. Appetite went through the roof and I overate. Your best bet is to get your levels stabilized, which may take several months, then take a stab at losing weight if it doesn't start to resolve itself on its own at normal levels.