day four WOW

My start weight is 208 and I am 5'5. This has been my fourth consecutive day using this app. I have lost ten pounds already! I cut out all soda and iced coffee(my favorite) and I enter EVERY thing I eat into this app. My goal is to get down to 150lbs. I am completely shocked with how much weight I have lost in just four days.


  • That's crazy awesome. I just started back again - haven't lost that much but tomorrow morning is the official weigh in. I'm 278 and want to be 150 so I have a long way to go. I'm 5'4".
  • It's water weight. Don't get discouraged when it slows down. Stay the course. Congrats on the loss.
  • Congrats on the loss!
  • That's amazing! I love your enthusiasm! ;):pB)
  • Awesome! Keep it up
  • The one thing that all sucessful diets have in common is requiring users to record what they eat. Your progress is great!
  • 10 pounds in only 4 days...not possible.. you had to have been eating a deficit before MFP or this is a bunch of water..even 10 pounds of water is a lot...

    Not trying to bust your bubble..but I don't want you step on the scale again and it be off...First week will be water and very very little fat... Your body needs time to adjust to less calories, especially carb decrease.
  • congrats on the huge loss, it will slow off so be prepared, 2lbs a week is a good average when you've a lot to lose - keep up the great work :smile: -
  • Congratulations!!! 10 lbs the first week is not uncommon. Giving up the soda and iced coffee was a good choice. Especially the soda which has a lot of sodium in it. Some of the weight may have been excess water but 10 lbs is 10 lbs gone.
    you may see a slow down next week just keep at it.
  • Congratulations! I think I am at a plateau. I have 13 more lbs to go and it is hard. I think it is my dinners. I am starving at dinner. Breakfast and lunch is no problem.
  • stukawife wrote: »
    The one thing that all sucessful diets have in common is requiring users to record what they eat. Your progress is great!

    I didn't log a thing when I lost.

    OP: congrats! As others have mentioned, some of it is water weight, from changing your diet, or eating fewer carbs, ending your period, all of the above, BUT! You're off to a great start, and good job dumping the soda!

    Eat healthy, eat less, move more and you'll be great.