emotional eating

So, I hate that phrase, hate even more that I totally do it..like temper tantrum style out of some lame self hate/sabotage--don't even fully get why...just feel this awful urge and night to say f**k you to everything I've spent the day consciously trying to acheive--it's gross and pisses me off and that little demon of bratty you can't make me destructive ego wins EVERY time. Please , please , please share yr own *kitten* w me...why it happens, solutions for improvement, whatever you got...being connected to people is hard for me and a big part of all of this...yuck...trying to reach out feels crummy...ugh...thank you for enduring this...gotta go throw my phone in other room out if shame now....


  • I am the same way and get disgusted with myself too. Going to a quiet room by myself and taking a few deep breaths while reminding myself of the bigger picture helps sometimes. Other times nothing helps. I have the worst self control ever. :(
  • Honestly right now I keep gum on me. When I get stressed I start chewing on a piece. It doesnt always help but it has helped a lot
  • Chew sugar free gum.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I totally know where you are coming from. In school I did not know how to handle stress and so I would eat a whole carton of ice cream or would consume a whole bag of chips in one sitting. Also when I was bored I would find myself wandering to the fridge and the next thing I knew I had consumed a row of cookies. Food made me feel good -- at least for a short period of time and then I would just feel worse. One thing that helps me when I feel like eating because I'm upset or stressed is I will go for a walk, I will look at motivational quotes on pinterest, or I try and binge on fruit and veggies instead of the crap. For a while when it was really bad I took up crocheting and knitting just to keep my hands busy and distracted. A weird tip but it worked for me on the really bad days. If I do end up bingeing on unhealthy things, I try to drink a ton of water to help get the crap out of my system. Drinking the water makes me feel a bit better and the next day I feel a bit more refreshed and ready for a new start Those are some of the tips that have helped me.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    What has helped me to control my emotional/stress eating is meal planning (not prep), but plan the times that I will eat breakfast, lunch, dinner with two healthy snacks in between the meals. If I stay under my calorie intake for that day I will allow myself to have a low calorie treat. I also exercise and drink plenty of water to curve my appetite. I'm not saying that my way is the perfect way because I do have slip ups, but it is what works for me!
    Oops, I almost forgot the important thing sleep!! Make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night, so that you will ward off the midnight cravings & snacking.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm a big-time emotional eater. For me it's evolved over a lifetime into what I understand now as a form of self-harm. I LOVE food, and I use it to punish myself. I eat until I am in real physical pain. How stupid, how sad.
    I'm trying my best these days to distract myself with other activities; cleaning, walking outside, taking care of my pet chickens ect.
    Sometimes the binge wins, when it does I do my best to end it and move forward. I'm not dealing with the 'emotional' aspect at this time and for my part I don't know that I ever will.
    You're here, so you know you're trying. Give yourself that much credit, and try to move back onto the tracks when you're derailed. Keep fighting.
  • I am no fan of the phrase myself. I mean doesn't everyone eat this way everyday. Heck we have events that surround these emotions - birthdays, anniversaries, births and deaths, weddings, graduations, and the list goes on and on. But if you do it because someone upset you just want to beat the manufacturer who came up with chips, cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream, candy and anything else that is inevitably bad for you. I am the queen of self destruction some days. When those craving hit, nothing is safe.
    No matter how much I can try to say, 'Now, you really don't need that', that little demon sits on my shoulder saying 'why not one won't hurt.' One turns into two which turns into many.
    I've tried chewing gum, it helps the sweet craving sometimes but does little else for the salty craving or the carb craving. I use to stop at McDonalds on the way home and eat a kids meal before I got home and would stop so I could dispose of the evidence. Those were really bad days.
    I still have bad days, I do a bit better but sometimes I just give in. Sometimes I go home and watch tv shows like My 600 lb Life to help put things back into perspective. Then I throw everything away.
  • Thank you guys...glad no one is around to hear me chomping on gum...good idea. Extra has 'dessert gum' like mint chocolate...not really fooling me, but onward and upward.
  • ciacyrus29 wrote: »
    I am no fan of the phrase myself. I mean doesn't everyone eat this way everyday. Heck we have events that surround these emotions - birthdays, anniversaries, births and deaths, weddings, graduations, and the list goes on and on. But if you do it because someone upset you just want to beat the manufacturer who came up with chips, cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream, candy and anything else that is inevitably bad for you. I am the queen of self destruction some days. When those craving hit, nothing is safe.
    No matter how much I can try to say, 'Now, you really don't need that', that little demon sits on my shoulder saying 'why not one won't hurt.' One turns into two which turns into many.
    I've tried chewing gum, it helps the sweet craving sometimes but does little else for the salty craving or the carb craving. I use to stop at McDonalds on the way home and eat a kids meal before I got home and would stop so I could dispose of the evidence. Those were really bad days.
    I still have bad days, I do a bit better but sometimes I just give in. Sometimes I go home and watch tv shows like My 600 lb Life to help put things back into perspective. Then I throw everything away.

    Yes! This! That little demon does sit on my shoulder and I think, I will only have one.. but nope, I eat them all.