Hi I'm new here look for friends

my name is Rachel. I'm a singly mommy who gained ALOT of weight during my pregnancy. Im just here for encouragement and any tips for losing weight :)


  • Well it took me 8 years but I am around 14lbs away from my prepregnancy weight. I would have got there sooner, but I kept on quitting on myself. So I am there for you Rachel if you want me to be; just add me. I am now determined and trying hard to get this done and hopefully inspire others along the way. Just do yourself a favor and DON'T GIVE UP!

    You can do this you just have to be strong enough and want it bad enough.
  • Hi! I'm Jackie. I know the feeling! I gained 40 with my last pregnancy and I will tell ya...that kid was no forty pounds when it came out! My advice is to stay within your macros, drink lots of water, and move as much as possible! Always happy to have new friends so add me if ya want. :smiley: Good luck!!