I'm Done. 120 lbs gone. Farewell MFP, and Thanks for the Memories!



  • Kruggeri wrote: »
    Apparently I don't know what clean eating is because I certainly would not classify frosted mini wheats as clean by many of the definitions I've seen....

    I'm sure by clean he meant that he washes them in milk :D
    Or he washes the udder before milking.
  • Good Luck to you and all your hot chicks...!
  • What kind of macros do you have if 2,000 calories of ice cream fit them?

    The best kind ;)
  • "If you tell the young people of today that, they won't believe you"
  • FoxyLifter wrote: »
    mgibbons22 wrote: »
    I lost 100 lbs in eight months, and then another 20 lbs in six months. I'm done. Lessons learned? What worked for me (not necessarily you)? Here ya go:
    1. CICO? A myth. Clean eating is what it's all about. We all know what clean eating is; don't be a d-bag and deny it. Actually, of course CICO is the key. (some really funny stuff here removed by mod).
    2. IIFYM is hogwash. 2000 calories of ice cream = 2000 calories of fruit, veg, and lean protein? Please. <head pat>

    Looks like someone needs read up on IIFYM properly.

    OP it seems like you have some insecurities about yourself.

    I agree. I follow IIfYM and I can't eat 2000 calories worth of ice cream. Not sure where that came from.

    And I'm not sure how frosted mini wheats are considered "clean eating ". I hope this was a joke.

    Why do people make this so complicated? Here's what I've learned:

    For weight loss: calories in < calories out
    For body composition: eat enough protein and do a progressive resistance exercise program (I prefer heavy lifting)
    For overall health: get enough fats (sans teams), fiber and other micros, sleep/rest, hydrate maybe do some cardio
    For your sanity: don't eliminate foods for no medical reason. When it comes to trigger foods, eliminate until self control can be accomplished. No single food item is bad or good. Look at the entire regimen.

    Moderation, variation, and NO unnecessary elimination!

    2,000 calories worth of ice cream...

    Initiate brain freeze
  • Congrats on losing the weight, hope you lose the chip on the shoulder soon.

    Regarding IIFYM-http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/817188/iifym/p1
  • mgibbons22 wrote: »
    I lost 100 lbs in eight months, and then another 20 lbs in six months. I'm done. Lessons learned? What worked for me (not necessarily you)? Here ya go:
    1. CICO? A myth. Clean eating is what it's all about. We all know what clean eating is; don't be a d-bag and deny it. Actually, of course CICO is the key. (some really funny stuff here removed by mod).
    2. IIFYM is hogwash. 2000 calories of ice cream = 2000 calories of fruit, veg, and lean protein? Please. <head pat>
    3. ***Buy a scale. Log EVERYTHING and weigh everything. Absolutely crucial.***
    4. If you're impatient and want to lose 12.5 lbs a month like I did, do some light lifting at least. I went from a massive and powerful fat guy to a skeletal wimp. But now I'm dating hot chicks, so there's that.
    5. Have some self discipline, for crying out loud. I'm a single dad, and I fed my kid chicken wings, tacos, pizza, candy, and beer (well, not beer) all the time and I resisted. Occasionally, I would deny myself tap water when thirsty just to improve my self discipline. And now I'm dating hot chicks.
    6. Consistency. I had (and still essentially have) the same meals every day: BREAKFAST: 100 grams frosted mini wheats, 1 cup almond milk, 1 egg. LUNCH: Chicken breast or pork chop, 2.5 cups Romaine lettuce, 2 tablespoons 30 cal Italian dressing, 5 ounces Greek yogurt, 9 strawberries. DINNER: Chicken breast, pork chop, fish, or small steak, 5 ounces of a green vegetable. I walk 2 miles at lunch, and 3 miles after dinner.
    7. You are not a mean, condescending, little (removed by mod) just because you tell the truth on forums. You are a lover of all mankind. Just go upstairs and ask your mom.

    While congrats on your loss... you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to CICO and IIFYM... if you did you would know that NO ONE who follows that recommends eating 2000 cals of ice cream AS IT DOESN'T FIT INTO THEIR MACROS!!! You know Fat, Carbs, and Protein goals? And even if it did then they would be eating too many calories because they would be hungry... I don't know a single person who advocates CICO/IIFYM suggest anything other than a varied diet.
  • Laugh and the world will laugh with you. Keep up the good work and the laughs.
  • *snip*
    The only hot chicks I attract are ones burning with rage.

  • Amazed by everyone who thinks you were being serious with most of your post..smh. LoL..congrats on your success and good luck!! Thanks for the laugh! (and all the fishes!)
  • I must not have my sense of humor today because not only is your post hogwash but it is obnoxious.

    My thoughts as well. OP also doesn't actually know what IIFYM really is. I'm left annoyed that I even clicked on this self-absorbed, rubbish post. I guess I'll just go back to my regular day of enjoying all spectrums of food, not eating the exact replica of the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that.... whilst somehow (oh unknowable Universe!!!) managing to still lose weight in a nutritional manner. Op may have lost 120lbs, but managed to gain 120 lbs of narcisistic d-bagerie.

  • I want to know what the really funny stuff removed by a mod was.
  • deuces!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Apparently I don't know what clean eating is because I certainly would not classify frosted mini wheats as clean by many of the definitions I've seen....

    Read it as he was taking the p and said cico is the key. I don't think he was being serious with much of it
  • cool-story-brohitler2.gif

    you seem mad though. that's unfortunate.
    don't let the door hit you in your vagina on the way out.
  • Why would you have to weigh and log everything if CICO isn't important?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Amazed by everyone who thinks you were being serious with most of your post..smh. LoL..congrats on your success and good luck!! Thanks for the laugh! (and all the fishes!)

    Only times I can tell is OP is joking is a) I "know" the poster's history of being silly/sarcastic, and b) it's in the CCF&G forum. I usually stick to posting appropriate gifs and leave it at that.