The school run and the shop

Facing a dilemma going on the school run shortly and my boys always ask if they can go to the shop normally easy to say no as I don't tend to carry money, however today I need to go to get milk and some bits and no nowt I'll also see something sweet I want how do I just get what I need and avoid temptation especially knowing I have calories to spare today

Help please


  • Can you bribe yourself with something else? I was having a really rough day but was able to stay under my calorie count by promising myself a new dvd that I really wanted. Anything you can give yourself that you normally deny yourself that doesn't have to do with food can be a reward - and motivation to not pick up that sweet. Just make sure it's something you can give yourself TODAY as instant positive feedback for being "good".
  • Avoided the sweets instead got myself some fresh mozzarella to go with my tea a slight indulgence but worth it for added flavour