Calories not updating with new goal

I reached my goal weight recently, so I changed my goal in MFP to "maintain current weight" instead of "lose 1 pound per week". I click save, but my daily calorie goal in my diary hasn't changed. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


  • its not just you I changed mine and it won't stay either.
  • Mine isn't updating either, is there someone we can contact? Seems like a bug. I've tried to do it on the app and online.
  • Definitely sounds like a bug. Contact them. They just pushed out the new site - this sounds like a problem in the update.
  • I had the same problem and had to manually change it under the Goal section.
  • Bug. I had a calorie surplus and it still has me at maintenance. This started yesterday for me.
  • Same here. I manually changed it in the Goal section and that didn't even update the Goal on the Homepage.
  • Same here. I manually changed it in the Goal section and that didn't even update the Goal on the Homepage.

    I had to change it to a different number and save it...then change it back to what it was supposed to be and save it before it changed on my homepage.
  • I'm having the same issue. I try to update my calories every week after I weigh in, and when I tried today it's not updating the calorie goal.
  • I think there is a problem, because today I cannot sync my info from my fitbit to myfitnesspal... The number of steps, calories etc. are not updated! :(
  • lets bump this, it is so annoying! one of the biggest things MFP has to offer is its calorie count, and if it does not reflect our goals, then the app slowly becomes less reliable!!
  • Me too. Both website and android app are not displaying correct calorie goal. Oddly enough, the widget has the correct remaining calories but then we I go in the app it's wrong. PLEASE fix.