weight loss help

What can I do to feel fuller longer so I will not go over calorie intake?


  • If you open your diary you may get some more specific help, as nobody knows what you're eating right now.

    Many people report that increasing the protein in their diet helps them feel fuller for longer. High fiber foods can also help. Hydration helps some people. Are you cutting a lot of fat from your diet? Fat can also help people feel more satisfied.
  • i have found that eating more protein helps, but also filling up on veggies which are lower in calories than most foods. i have a big appetite and feel a bit cheated by a small meal, so a smaller amount of high calorie foods, with tons of veggies works for me. i have found as i progress on the weightloss that my desire to overeat is diminishing as i see the results of my hard work.
  • Eat more high fiber foods with low calories.

    You can eat a lot more volume of carrots for 100 kcal than a single cookie for 100 kcal.
  • Yup higher fiber foods for me. I actually get tired of eating my salad when i am hungry becasue I am so full. Also making sure I am properly hydrated helps as well.
  • high protein, high fat works for me. lots of meat, fish, eggs, veggies (eat ALL the veggies!), yogurt, fruit, hydrate properly, etc. I personally minimize pasta/bread etc. because i can eat a million calories worth of bread and still be hungry.
  • I eat about six times per day and drink plenty of water. I have conditioned myself to not eating to the point of being stuffed because I know that I get a snack again in a couple hours. My diary is open and honest if you need ideas.
  • If you eat more whole foods, they have a greater volume for the same amount of calories, which will help you to stay full. Also, fiber does a great job for that also. A diet that is higher in protein will also help with this, since proteins get digested more slowly.
