I can't...

go on this journey alone! I've always struggled with my weight but never had an issue getting the motivation to exercise and lose weight. This time around with my health issues, new baby, and busy lifestyle I find that I need a buddy. Someone that can hold me accountable. This will be a mutual thing because I also want to give support, help, advice etc to my buddy as well. I want to lost 60lbs. I started exercising, eating a sensible breakfast, cutting sugary drinks, increased fruits and vegetables, and I drink over 10 cups of water a day. The only thing I'm not looking forward to doing is logging my foods. If your interested please add me !! #OperationGetItRight. I just want to add that I try to get on MFP daily and if your my buddy, you probably should to :smile:


  • Bump Plz
  • Feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi. Congrats on your baby. I too have small children. A 4 year old and a 2 year old. I also work full time and have a crazy commute with screaming kids in the car. When 8pm rolls around and the kiddos are being put to bed I am faced with the daily choice to go to the gym or drink a well-deserved beer while vegging on the couch. I'm trying to make the habit of going to the gym. I've been logging food for almost a year. The more I do it, the more I am finding that I dislike it. Unfortunately, I have not hit a point where I can stop logging my food because I overeat when I do. Someday, I would like to be able to eat mindfully without counting every calorie. I've got about 45 lbs to lose but am finding that a little pudge doesn't bother me at all. There is something to being fat & happy, provided you are happy.

    Anyway, feel free to send me a friend request. I am on here daily although I don't always complete my food diary.
  • I'll add you! I have been on this journey for about 3 years...I think. I lost about 40 pounds, put all but 10 back on and went back on it back in August and I am now down a total of 43 pounds from when I started. I have about 69 more pounds to go until my goal. I also work full time and have a 4 and a 6 year old. Life can be super crazy at times, but I find that if I can fit my exercise in after work (possibly while dinner is in the oven), before I have a chance to sit down, then I am about a billion times more likely to do it. It sounds like you've got a pretty good program going and I'm all in for more support :) Good luck with your journey!
  • anyone needing accountability friends can add me :)