12 pounds in 10 days......bad?

I started a calorie deficit 10 days ago and since my diet started I've lost 12 pounds.i also quit soda's and fast food.is it bad to have lost that much so quick.i've been told no more than 2 pounds a week.just wanting to hear other peoples views


  • In the first week or two you'll lose a lot of water weight, so it's fairly normal. It'll go down to 1 or 2lbs a week soon enough.
  • I imagine a lot of it was water weight which happens when you make changes like you did.

    What is your weekly weight loss goal set at? how many calories are you eating a day?
  • By your ticker, usually when you have more to lose you can lose more early on.
  • It depends on your weight to start with. Also, are you weighing weekly? Same time of day in same clothes? You could weigh yourself once an hour and your weight would fluctuate. Are you drinking water instead of the soda? Some of the loss could be water weight. Also, someone is bound to say "weightloss isn't linear" so while you might lose a whole load at the start, the rate of loss will slow down if you're playing by the rules that are appropriate for your weight and height.

    10lb would be about 7% of my body weight but 3.5% of my husband's. Something to think about.
  • For the ten days ive eatin no more than 1400 in a day.ive been doin cardio everyday and my weight loss goal is to get to 150 pounds.when i started 10 days ago i weighed 246.7 and i weigh 234.5 now
  • I drink nothin but water and i weigh myself every morning after my bathroom ritual.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    In the first couple of weeks, most people lose a lot of water...further, you're eating less so you have less inherent waste in your system. It will level off and become painfully slow soon enough.

    Also, the heavier you are, the faster initial losses tend to be...as you lose fat, it slows down considerably.

    At this point I wouldn't worry about it...just keep an eye on it and if it doesn't level off, up your calories a little bit.
  • And ive been drinking about six 32 ounce waters a day
  • For the ten days ive eatin no more than 1400 in a day.ive been doin cardio everyday and my weight loss goal is to get to 150 pounds.when i started 10 days ago i weighed 246.7 and i weigh 234.5 now

    wowsers..you are eating less than me...at your weight and the fact you are a guy you can eat a lot more and I would suggest you do to preserve muscle and have energy to work out. Make sure you are getting in at least (at the very very least) 120 grams of protein a day.

    On that note are you considering doing some lifting as well?

  • For the ten days ive eatin no more than 1400 in a day.ive been doin cardio everyday and my weight loss goal is to get to 150 pounds.when i started 10 days ago i weighed 246.7 and i weigh 234.5 now

    That's a pretty steep deficit, but it is quite normal to drop a lot of weight the first couple of weeks. People tend to stop eating as many carbs and so much sodium, and start working out, which leads to a big drop in water weight. But serious....1400 is a little ridiculous for a 240lb male.
  • I been making sure i get my protein daily and i take a multi vitamin every morning.and the protein ive been eating alot more of is lean chicken and Greek yogurt and milk.it just a big change cause ive never watched what i eat and now im staying under 1400 a day and it seems like everyday it gets easier.the first 3 days were he'll lol.
  • I been making sure i get my protein daily and i take a multi vitamin every morning.and the protein ive been eating alot more of is lean chicken and Greek yogurt and milk.it just a big change cause ive never watched what i eat and now im staying under 1400 a day and it seems like everyday it gets easier.the first 3 days were he'll lol.

    It's your choice how ever you decide to do it, but be aware with such a large deficit you're going to drop quite a bit of muscle along with fat.
  • I been making sure i get my protein daily and i take a multi vitamin every morning.and the protein ive been eating alot more of is lean chicken and Greek yogurt and milk.it just a big change cause ive never watched what i eat and now im staying under 1400 a day and it seems like everyday it gets easier.the first 3 days were he'll lol.

    But why not eat more food and still lose weight? As a guy your lowest should be 1600 to ensure you are getting in all the macros/micros you need and even at 1600 you have to plan it out really well.

    Remember if you lose weight "fast" it's weight...not just fat...but muscle too and that is where you are headed with your deficit...

    and just so you know your body has a hormone that kicks in to prevent "hunger pangs" when it finds itself with too little food...it's there to stop the pain when you are in a famine situation....
  • That's a lot of water. How do you have time to do anything else? And it would appear that your calories might be below your BMR, which is surely not a good idea.
  • That's a lot of water. How do you have time to do anything else? And it would appear that your calories might be below your BMR, which is surely not a good idea.

    eating below your BMR is not that serious...

  • I eat 5 times daily.everyday ive taken in about 120 to 140 grams of protein.would my weight loss be hindered by upping my calorie intake?
  • It probably helps a lil that i work and have five kids that im always running after
  • You need to worry less about how quickly you can lose the weight and more about a sustainable eating plan and overall health. 1400 cals a day is not enough for a male your size. You will likely burn out pretty quickly. Better to up your calories and lose slower than eat what you are now, quit and gain it all back.
  • You really need to eat at your calorie goal. You will burn out eating at 1400 calories a day. I tried it at 1500/day and I had to increase it due to fatigue and exhaustion.
  • I eat 5 times daily.everyday ive taken in about 120 to 140 grams of protein.would my weight loss be hindered by upping my calorie intake?

    The larger the deficit, the faster you'll lose weight. But it will also be more miserable, and you lose more lean body mass. I would suggest upping your calories to an appropriate level, and doing some kind of resistance training. You're going to burn out at 1400, taking care of 5 kids.