Stalled. What do I do next? HELP

I don't know what to do!? I have been on a weight loss journey for over year now. I went from 215 to 172 and now I am back up to 175. I have been going up and down a couple pounds for months now, and it's not because I don't know what to do, it's because I'm not doing it!
I need to eat around 1400-1600 cals and get some cardio in everyday, or keep my cals at 1200 and not exercise. The thing is I can't seem to do it! I can't seem to eat less than 1700-1900 cals and if I do it is PURE TORTURE. I am muscular person and 5'8" and I just have a big appetite.
I am pretty active all day just putzing around the house being a stay at home Mom. I try to walk but my jogging stroller is loaded with almost 100 pounds of kids and is sooo hard to push on the hilly roads. I can't seem to make myself do exercise DVD's. Maybe I'm just lazy.
I am only technically 11 pounds overweight and I keep second guessing myself, "Maybe I should just be happy where I am, I am healthy!"
BUT THEN, I look in the mirror and I am not happy with what I see!
I mean I am wondering where the tipping point is? I am maintaining perfectly, but I don't want to maintain, but I don't want to try any harder!!! My next goal was 170 when I get to buy new clothes like "underthings" and a new body slimmer, and some cute new capris. Also my suit is about one size too small and swimming season is coming fast! I need to do something, ugh.
Anyone else push through this? Any advice?


  • Congrats on how far you have come!
    Now it's time to work on your mental state. If the weight thing (# on a scale) is bumming you out, try a new goal for a while: strength, balance, endurance, etc. Look realistically at how these goals could fit into your life. Put a kettlebell by the bathroom and do 10 swings every time you go to the bathroom...that kind of thing. Can you sign up for an exercise class you enjoy 1 or 2 nights a week if you have someone to watch your kids?

    Also, looking at yourself and thinking "ugh"? :( maybe you are being too hard on yourself in general. You look great to me and how much time and energy are you spending on self-flagellation or overly critical self-analysis that could be spent enjoying your successes. I say eat at or around maintenance and work towards holistic, self-care oriented goals for a bit.
  • Congrats on how far you have come!
    Now it's time to work on your mental state. If the weight thing (# on a scale) is bumming you out, try a new goal for a while: strength, balance, endurance, etc. Look realistically at how these goals could fit into your life. Put a kettlebell by the bathroom and do 10 swings every time you go to the bathroom...that kind of thing. Can you sign up for an exercise class you enjoy 1 or 2 nights a week if you have someone to watch your kids?

    Also, looking at yourself and thinking "ugh"? :( maybe you are being too hard on yourself in general. You look great to me and how much time and energy are you spending on self-flagellation or overly critical self-analysis that could be spent enjoying your successes. I say eat at or around maintenance and work towards holistic, self-care oriented goals for a bit.

    Thank you! I didn't even know what I wanted to hear, but that was it! :)
  • IIRC the smaller you get the more diligent you have to be with your food intake. Look into getting a food scale to make sure you're not eating more than you realize. Reading and re-reading these threads helps me keep my eyes on the prize:

    this thread is my favorite, in fact almost anything that @stroutman81 keeps me focused and helps with my own personal weight loss goals:

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I think you may have set your weekly calorie goal set too aggressive for the amount of weight you have to lose. Do you have it at 1 lb a week? I am 5"9, 178 lbs and and with .5 a week I am allowed to eat 1550 before exercise and I am sedentary.
    Also, as strong_curves said, your logging should be really tight for these last lbs to get rid of.