Tips on losing weight

Hello folks!! I'm new here..and I am looking forward to losing weight and becoming healthy together as a community!! Please share your tips and experiences as I will too...


  • eat less, move more, be patient
  • eat less, move more, be patient

    In a nutshell. Never give up!

  • lol... okay. anything specific?
  • For me the key is having the "foods" easily available, those little plastic bags are invaluable! I premeasure lunches, snacks etc, keep them in fridge, tackle box, etc really makes a difference
  • That's a great idea!! Thanks a ton...
  • I started off by making small changes with the foods I ate. You know, one less snack before bed, watching my portion sizes during meals, less soda. Then I began to exercise to videos I looked up on YouTube. Small changes will add up in the long run. Good luck!! :)
  • I always do best when I log my food.
  • hotnumber wrote: »
    I started off by making small changes with the foods I ate. You know, one less snack before bed, watching my portion sizes during meals, less soda. Then I began to exercise to videos I looked up on YouTube. Small changes will add up in the long run. Good luck!! :)

  • dhp04 wrote: »
    lol... okay. anything specific?

    Lol..? Well for starters I want to lose 50 pounds, tone up my flab and maybe some abs down the line lol.. Is that specific enough for you? Lol
  • Vitamins and water are essential along with the first comment. Good luck!
  • Don't keep food around that triggers you to eat too much or that you have no control over. Pre-portion servings of food and make it more difficult to access more servings. Weigh all food on a food scale. Learn to batch cook so that meals are readily available. Find exercise you enjoy. Avoid the quick fixes: detoxes, liquid diets, and other gimmicks. Take up some non-food hobbies. When I'm knitting, I'm not eating. Be patient.
  • abev1016 wrote: »
    Vitamins and water are essential along with the first comment. Good luck!

    Thanks :smile:
  • 1. I drink more water than I used to.
    2. I try to avoid drinking my calories, unless it's for wine or Blue Moon. Then I budget for it.
    3. I will only spend calories on something if I truly enjoy it - I have to love it.
    4. I only avoid foods when I feel the calories are NOT WORTH IT - so I don't consciously avoid things like bread and pasta, but I don't enjoy them enough to justify the calories they take up....but if I'm out and someone is offering me stuffed shells, I will eat them and enjoy them and then either eat less at the next meal, or just chalk it up to a day with a few extra calories.
    5. If I "fall off the wagon" I am not going to "stay off the wagon" - I will just dust myself off and start all over again from that point forward.
    6. I try to meet my macros for protein, fiber, iron, calcium as close to my goal as possible. I find I am less hungry then.
    7. I do not demonize foods, unless it's because they are truly hideous, like so-called "healthy alternatives" to things that there is just no alternative for.
    8. Individual snack size portions is a great idea.
    9. I weigh everything. Everything.
  • Thanks this truly is a big help.. :)
  • Attitude is everything. If you think you can't, you probably can't. But if you set your mind to being healthy, you can and will do it.