I weigh in everyday. Here's why

We all know that your weight fluctuates everyday, and it can be a little discouraging. But I weigh in every morning after I go to the bathroom (water weight). As soon as I weigh myself, I write it down in a calendar for that day. It's a constant reminder when I walk by the calendar to eat healthier and watch what I'm shoving into my face. It's also motivating to look back in the calendar at the beginning of the month and compare it to the end. Visually seeing your progress will increase your excitement. So give it a shot. Write down your weight everyday in a calendar and make it visible.


  • I'm good.
  • me too thanks...
  • I weigh every day too...even if I am up for the day, it makes me think about what I ate or did the day before that may be causing me to retain fluids. I can always tell when I'm not being as careful with what I eat...the first indicator is that I stop weighing every day. :smile:
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Tmasta wrote: »
    We all know that your weight fluctuates everyday, and it can be a little discouraging. But I weigh in every morning after I go to the bathroom (water weight). As soon as I weigh myself, I write it down in a calendar for that day. It's a constant reminder when I walk by the calendar to eat healthier and watch what I'm shoving into my face. It's also motivating to look back in the calendar at the beginning of the month and compare it to the end. Visually seeing your progress will increase your excitement. So give it a shot. Write down your weight everyday in a calendar and make it visible.

    I think I might have weighed myself three months ago.

    Mind you, I beat my 10Km PB by three minutes yesterday morning, can run a sub 2hr half marathon and fairly routinely cycle 50-60km in two hours.

    Metrics have to have some meaning to be motivational.
  • If you're a male dieting to lose weight and your weight fluctuates every day instead of consistently decreasing, you're probably falling into any one of a number of traps such as:
    1. Not actually tracking your food intake
    2. Consuming way too much (i.e. several or many grams vs a couple) sodium
    3. Shouldering too much stress (i.e. hormonal imbalances)
    4. Consuming too much alcohol (i.e. negatively impacting your body's ability to regulate waste out of the system)

  • I'm glad daily weigh-in worked for you. It did not work for me. I wanted muscle tone and to keep some curves, but lose body fat.

    At times I was losing inches, but the scale stay the same. My body was changing and I was loving my progress, but the scale drove me crazy.

    I researched and learned the reasons why that was happening and decided to hide the scale the garage for awhile.

    Best decision ever, but this is not for everyone either.

    I continued to lift, do my cardio, eat properly, monitor my measurements and I eventually I lost a lot of dress sizes and ended up with my dream figure.

    The scale is a tool, but I wouldn't let it be the only way to track progress.
  • I also weigh in every morning & write it in a calendar! It keeps me accountable & motivated. Right or wrong it works for me.
  • I weigh in every morning, because I have CHF (congestive heart failure). Keeping track of weight is a tool to help me combat the effects of the disease.
  • I used to weigh everyday but I started to obsess over it. I've gotten myself down to getting on the scale once a week, on Fridays, and it's helped me a lot. I don't think about it as much. If anything, it's helped me to be better because I know that I have to work hard all week to see change, instead of just 1 day.
  • Cool idea. I'm big into visuals, so I might give this a go!
  • I might look at the scale once every 2 months...how I feel and how my clothes fit let me know my progress..scale stalking it can be depressing... But good luck!
  • It works for me - morning and night.
  • lmr0528 wrote: »
    I used to weigh everyday but I started to obsess over it. I've gotten myself down to getting on the scale once a week, on Fridays, and it's helped me a lot. I don't think about it as much. If anything, it's helped me to be better because I know that I have to work hard all week to see change, instead of just 1 day.

    I might start doing this on Fridays as well. Everyday might discourage me and I go to TOPS on Monday nights, so I'll be weighing in twice a week. ☺
  • Once a week (every Sunday morning) works for me. Keeps me from obsessing over every little normal up-and-down. Not sure I see the benefit of daily weigh-ins if you are just going to 'logic away' any fluctuations. It's like, "Oh, I gained a pound since yesterday. Must be the burritos I had for dinner!" Just don't get it, but to each their own. :)
  • I weigh myself daily and at night so I can get an idea of how much I'll weigh in the morning.
  • suruda wrote: »
    I weigh every day too...even if I am up for the day, it makes me think about what I ate or did the day before that may be causing me to retain fluids. I can always tell when I'm not being as careful with what I eat...the first indicator is that I stop weighing every day. :smile:

    Same here...exactly.

  • I weigh daily also. I have the Aria scale and it records my weight daily and posts to my account here. With my fluctuations I am not sure my friends love the idea...but it gives me motivation for the day.
  • I weight daily as well.
  • I like knowing and weigh-in every day - I can figure out how the fluctuations work and it's not about micro-managing, just more understanding. Over time, things even out if you are consistent in the diet and workout regimen.
  • me too.