Lacking motivation to start again

edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys,

Wanted to introduce myself, I'm Melanie I'm 32, and have been overweight since having my daughter 5 years ago.
Previously I never had to try to stay in shape I was naturally a size 10 with a great curve. Now I'm a 14-16 and flabby.
I have tried ever diet known to man and I get obsessive for the first few months, see great results and something makes me give up, any small little excuse and I find it to no go to the gym or eat junk!

I just don't know how to keep this going long term and I'm hoping to find some help and like minded people on mfp to keep my motivation high xxx


  • It happens with everybody. Last time i tried to workout was a year back and gave up in few days. Now my friends and my relatives make fun of me. Fear and insults are big motivation factors. I had my total cholestrol of 229. Which is high for my age of 28. And my wieght 169 pound also high. Now iam trying to work out from past 3 months and lost 5kg (12 lbs). Initially i wore tight clothes which are very uncomfortable to me in office. My colleages laughed at me and i was motivated to start. I dont go to gym. I only jog, walk and eat less. But it is working for me.

    Just go out and fix some targets, make frnds in mfp and take their help. I some saw profiles who lost pounds like hell which also helped me.