how much carb, protein and fat percentage

Hi there

not sure what percentages I must put in? I want to eat a lower carb higher protein, but not the LCHF thing...


  • You don't have to do anything; if you want to lose weight, all you need is a calorie deficit. The MFP default is 50C, 20P, 30F? You can keep that. Or just go as low as you want - definition of low carb varies from person to person anyway. And instead of percentages, you should rather go for grams per body weight - at least 1 gram protein and fat per kilo of body weight at your ideal BMI is a good rule of thumb.
  • Thank you! all this banting and LCHF confused me so much.Appreciate the reply!
  • Lots of people make good money on the confusion. Keep it simple, but be accurate and patient, and you'll be fine! B)