Psychology of Running

I love running. I enjoy it when I'm doing it, I feel smugly smug afterwards and for the rest of the day, it clears my head, I get fresh air, it's good for me and keeps me fit. So how come I have to mentally pep-talk myself into it every time, until I force myself out the door? Makes no sense.


  • It takes effort and a lot of time from our day. I have to do it straight from work and avoid going home. It's hard for me to leave my house and family for a run, even though I love it.
  • There are likely a variety of reasons. It might depend on your goals and planning.

    You might find this interesting.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Snap! I have to tell myself to suck it up and get on with it! It's crazy because I do like it and love the feeling afterwards. It is just the getting changed and out part that gets me. If you find a cure please share it with me :)
  • I can only speak from my experience, but once I got into the habit of running and IF I went more than one day without it I felt weird. Now I look forward to it. I will say, I go straight from work to the gym so I have no excuses and I can't skip out. Keep yourself pepped up... you are worth it!!
  • I guess I've been preconditioned to fear running, so literally every time I go for a run I have butterflies in my stomach and feel sick. But I love the way it makes me feel when I get into it and how I feel afterwards. I'm hoping that over time I'll get over the feeling of dread pre run haha!
  • After enough time passes, it should change from something you feel like you have to do to something you want to do. Eventually, it becomes something you need to do. I saw a shirt recently that sort of sums it up: "I run because punching people is frowned upon."
  • I guess I've been preconditioned to fear running, so literally every time I go for a run I have butterflies in my stomach and feel sick. But I love the way it makes me feel when I get into it and how I feel afterwards. I'm hoping that over time I'll get over the feeling of dread pre run haha!

    I'm the same. I still dread going, but once I start, I'm fine. I've done half marathons and such, but I still hate getting out there. I dearly wish I could feel more positive. I prefer the thought of a killer circuit for 30 min to a 30 min jog. Why?
  • I have the same issue. I don't think it's exclusive to running. I really enjoy getting out on my bike but I often have to force my self to go.
  • I have those days too. Interestingly, the days when I don't feel like running but I force myself to go, I end up having a fantastic run. I don't know what's up with that.
  • Not running is easier than running.
  • tri_bob wrote: »
    After enough time passes, it should change from something you feel like you have to do to something you want to do. Eventually, it becomes something you need to do. I saw a shirt recently that sort of sums it up: "I run because punching people is frowned upon."

    LOVE the quote...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    This happens to me on 100% of my runs. I love it while i'm doing it and for the rest of the day, yet the moment I wake up and it's time to go I look for any excuse possible to stay home. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  • Glad it's not just me :) I will never understand why mindlessly watching rubbish on telly is preferable to doing something I love and enjoy and reap benefits from. I suppose the trick is to just keep on forcing it. I find before work much easier than in the evenings, but if I need to go at night, I put my running gear on as soon as I get home. That always works, because it would be too tragic to take off my running gear without having been for a run...
  • aarar wrote: »
    This happens to me on 100% of my runs. I love it while i'm doing it and for the rest of the day, yet the moment I wake up and it's time to go I look for any excuse possible to stay home. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

  • I get these feelings occasionally still even though running is now more than habit for me, it's something I enjoy. The key for me is to start changing into my running gear. As soon as I start to suit up, I'm going running. Never fails. :smile:
  • I'm the same. I'll find any excuse not to go. It's the same with walking the dog as well as running I just don't want to go. When I do I enjoy it.
    At least with the dog I have to otherwise I'd feel like I'm neglecting him (which is true) and I don't want to do that.