Pregnant! How many calories should I eat?



  • When I was pregnant with my son, I had just lost a bunch of weight, and was worried about gaining too much during the pregnancy. I upped my calories by 300, which put me between 1800 and 1900. When I talked to my doctor, she stressed to me that I needed to be eating between 2000 and 2200 most days, so I did. I gained only a healthy amount of weight, 25 pounds, and most came off immediately after. So, as others have said, please talk to your doctor. They can tell you what's best!
  • First - Ask your doctor
    Second - Generally, first trimester you do not need to add any additional calories. Just eat at maintenance. 2nd trimester I think I increased it to 150-200 calories and during my 3rd trimester I was at 300+ calories. I gained just under 25 lbs overall and had my baby in January. You may want to tailor your calories to your specific needs though, based on how you're feeling and how hungry you are. I used to give me a general idea of my calorie intake.
    Third - Get some exercise! I can't stress this enough. It keeps you fit and active. And I 100% believe that being active helps with labor and delivery. I did a prenatal swimming class with both of my pregnancies. My first daughter was a 7 hour labor and my 2nd (January) was 4 hours. I think it helped alot to have been so active.
  • Congrats! Someone recommended this website to work it out:
  • sweetd6 wrote: »
    And remember to make all you calories "count", healthy foods, lean proteins, fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts and nut butters. If your baby was in front of you, would you feed it to him/her? No? Then don't eat it, because you will be feeding it to him/her, lol. You're actually "building a baby", use the healthiest foods to do so. Congratulations!

  • Congrats!
    Please check with your doctor on your calories etc. some people need more than 300, some need less. It's all about your body and how you are responding to pregnancy.
  • What your doctor tells you to.
  • Thanks to everyone who tried to give me genuine advice, I appreciate it.

    However I just want to say I have of COURSE spoken to my doctor!!! I'm not an idiot. And to the person who asked very rudely why I havnt addressed my diet...I have! I lost a huge amount of weight prior to my pregnancy and that was a really judgemental comment to make. Also I don't need anyone to tell me when to get off the internet, thank you very much.

    I simply wanted to get a bit of advice (maybe from other women who have had children) about keeping a healthy weight whilst pregnant.

    I would never blindly follow anything someone on a forum said, but I just wanted some support and advice. I don't have a mum or sisters etc so I don't really have any to ask.

    My doctor was very uninterested in discussing my calorie intake anyway, but I guess I've figured it out now, thank you.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I think a lot of people feel uncomfortable doling out "medical" advice to someone they don't even know-- hence all of the "don't ask us; ask a doctor!" comments. The fact that your doctor didn't seem concerned with outlining calorie intake seems to indicate that it's really not something to stress over. Eat when you're hungry, aim for reasonable macro ratios, and take care of yourself! (This includes ice cream. ;) )
  • Babykeys32 wrote: »
    Hi all! So after 2 years of trying I am FINALLY pregnant! I'm so happy.

    Now I've had a couple of days of "aaaand relaaaax" with my diet , as I was so strict when trying. But now I want to make sure I'm eating the correct sensible amount of calories during my pregnancy.

    I am getting married 6 months after baby is born so I don't want to gain more than necessary, but I am of course not goin to even think about losing weight whilst pregnant.

    I just want a healthy pregnancy, without ballooning and overdoing it.

    I'm currently 10st 8 and 5ft 4. I've lost 3 stone over the past 4 months to reach that weight. I currently eat around 1500 cals and I lose slowly on that - maybe a pound every 2 weeks.

    Anyone got any tips? Ideas of amount of calories I should be eating? How much weight I can expect to gain?

    Thanks to all! Xx

    I think they generally say to eat an extra 500 calories per day.

  • Its generally 250-300 extra/day per child you are carrying. This is if yur bmi is in a healthy range and after the first trimester. First trimester eat as normal but do not eat less than 1200 cals/day. Also pregnant. Have done a buttload of research. ☺
  • Im sure your own Dr has all the answers to these highly sensitive questions!
  • Don't eat fish, cause they have lot of mercury in them. It is bad for kid. Try omega-3 from walnuts.
  • kimondo666 wrote: »
    Don't eat fish, cause they have lot of mercury in them. It is bad for kid. Try omega-3 from walnuts.

    no. just no.
  • kimondo666 wrote: »
    Don't eat fish, cause they have lot of mercury in them. It is bad for kid. Try omega-3 from walnuts.
    There are some fish to stay away from, but that doesn't mean all.