Need to lose my three year old daughter!!!
Well, not her but her weight really. She weighs a little over 16kg, I need to lose about 15kg to get to my target weight. Carrying her around for long periods of time really hurts my arms, not to mention carrying her upstairs when she falls asleep.
Hi, I'm Joanne, 35, married mum of four kids (3 boys and 1 girl). Started this journey on my own in January after standing on the scales in the doctors staring down at 95kg. What happened? I didn't watch what or when I ate, eat when I was upset, worried, hungry, not hungry, watching a movie, walking and all that other stuff. Didn't exercise, didn't care because was passing through a rough time in my life. My husband, kids and some friends would crack jokes and call me fat and it made me eat more. Moved from Ireland where there are hills to climb and nice routes to take while walking to Lagos, Nigeria, where it is flat, hot and hard for me to go outside to walk cos of the blistering heat, that and other reasons.
That day at the doctors was a wake up call. I tried losing weight on my own and lost 4kg between January and March. Started here with MFP and my consultant at home and lost 10kg between March and now. I'm watching my calorie intake and slowly but surely increasing my exercise. Still have some way to go to reach my target weight, maybe when I'm half way there will post success story with pics. But for now, just concentrating on losing my daughter's weight. Need to set an example for her and be a happy, healthy fit role model for her.
Anyone that wants to help and support me is welcome. I will do the same for you and that is a promise. Add me if you like. To everyone trying to lose, gain or maintain their weight on MFP, well done on you own achievements so far and best of luck on your journey to a happier, healthier, better you.