any ideas how i can make my arms look better?



  • Lifting doesn't help with stretch marks, but it does help with loose skin. Apply cocoa butter to stretch marks to help reduce their appearance as you loose weight and build muscle. I've actually found strength training (Starting Strength and the New Rules) to be really helpful in maintaining overall skin tension. I don't have nearly as much loose skin despite losing quite a bit of fat (down 4% bf). My bingo wings are still present, but don't have the "sag" they used to.

    Thank you, I'm not too fussed about the stretch marks. They have faded to silvery lines and can't be seen unless you are up close. I moisturize everyday. I just wanted to generally improve the look of my arms in other ways as I have come to terms with the fact that the stretch marks aren't going to get much better really. Improving overall skin tension sounds good.
  • sweetd6 wrote: »
    Years ago I used a book called "Look great sleeveless". It has lots and lots of weight lifting tips and routines, especially for arms. You can certainly do them at home with weights, don't need a gym. Here's a link to the book on Amazon.

    Sorry I missed this post, thank you I will have a look!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I have lost 17lbs so far, another 20 or so to go. My arms are looking much slimmer but don't look particularly nice.

    What should I be doing to improve the look of my arms?

    If you have recently lost what looks like approximately half of your goal weight loss, then you can expect a little saggy 'arm flags' at the outset. The elasticity will to a large extent, return gradually depending upon how long you have been overweight and how much. But, from your post, it seems your big question is about the 'orange peel' skin and the stretch marks.

    As far as the stretch marks, there is nothing you can do for it. Stretch marks are actually torn tissue so the stretch marks are actually scars. The appearance will diminish somewhat and there are several products on the market designed to help diminish scar tissue.

    As for the pebbly skin? It is caused by uneven distribution of fatty tissue, sort of like if you were to scatter a handful of marbles on the floor and cover them with a sheet. You get that bumpy surface appearance. Weight lifting, to some extent, can help this condition but it needs to be targeted to the specific areas you are trying to improve. In this case, the upper arm (one of the prime areas to be victimized by this 'malady' during weight loss.) Not all weight lifting is equal. In the biceps area, which you show in your photos, biceps curls are generally the best attack. And, surprisingly, this is something you can do all day long, even without weights, as an isometric exercise. At work, sitting at a desk or whatever, lay your forearms, hands palm up, in front of you as though you were holding dumb bells in your hands. Tighten the muscles in your arms as much as you can and flex your arms, slowly lifting them as though lifting weights to your shoulder. Five minutes here and there throughout the day can do wonders for your arms and you may be surprised to find a little soreness in your arms if you are not accustomed to doing any lifting.

    Bottom line: Just as with losing the weight, it takes time. Little by little you can make the change. It won't happen overnight.

    Also, pelamblue's recommendation for triceps exercises is absolutely excellent! A great workout. Go with that!
  • Pelamblue wrote: »
    For your triceps you can do dips off the sofa or dining room chair. So place your palms on the edge of the chair so that your fingers are over the edge, have your legs stretched out in front of you with toes pointing up and lower your body down slowly so that your bum is just off the floor, then push back up. If you find this difficult the place your feet flat on the floor with a 45 degree bend in your legs.
    Biceps... Stand up and curl any weight you can manage, or sit down with your back upright, this will eliminate any potential swing.
    Shoulders again standing or sitting and press the weight above your head. Aim for 3-5 sets of about 8-12 repitions with 30 seconds rest between each set, and just see how you go.
    Good luck

    Thank you very much for this clear and idiot proof advice. It's very helpful thank you.

    Your welcome, any help you need don't hesitate to ask
  • Lifting doesn't help with stretch marks, but it does help with loose skin. Apply cocoa butter to stretch marks to help reduce their appearance as you loose weight and build muscle. I've actually found strength training (Starting Strength and the New Rules) to be really helpful in maintaining overall skin tension. I don't have nearly as much loose skin despite losing quite a bit of fat (down 4% bf). My bingo wings are still present, but don't have the "sag" they used to.

    Well, you're lucky. Sure, my bat wings are smaller than they used to be, but they're still there and not going anywhere I'm afraid.
  • Check out too-- they have a ton of free workout videos, lots of dumbbell strength training and body weight workouts.
  • hhvelgas0h9w.jpg

    I use that
  • AlciaMode wrote: »

    I use that

  • ndj1979 wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »

    I use that



    did-ya-see-what-I-did-there @ndj1979 ?
  • rabbitjb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »

    I use that



    did-ya-see-what-I-did-there @ndj1979 ?

  • rabbitjb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »

    I use that



    did-ya-see-what-I-did-there @ndj1979 ?

    Sigh X3
  • Ok, from the sighing im guessing general consensus is that isn't a good plan?