Do any of you have Bipolar or Depression?



  • madhu1981 wrote: »
    few instances i do get depressed its part of life - medication is a 10km run under 60 mins - i feel good

    I can fully understand why someone who has not experienced a true medical depression would not know the difference beewteen occasional sadness (feeling depressed) and depression. Having experienced both I can say there is a difference in how they effect you and how you can deal with them.
  • madhu1981 wrote: »
    few instances i do get depressed its part of life - medication is a 10km run under 60 mins - i feel good

    Please, and with due respect, "getting depressed" and "having depression" are two entirely, entirely, entirely different things. You can be 'depressed' about something- a life event, someone dying, etc. Depression (clinical) is a medical condition. And you can't outrun it, no matter how far you run in an hour.

  • tweezer17 wrote: »
    madhu1981 wrote: »
    few instances i do get depressed its part of life - medication is a 10km run under 60 mins - i feel good

    I can fully understand why someone who has not experienced a true medical depression would not know the difference beewteen occasional sadness (feeling depressed) and depression. Having experienced both I can say there is a difference in how they effect you and how you can deal with them.

    When I am just feeling down and bummed out, exercise can help me to fight through it. When I'm in full blown self harming, can't get out of bed, and don't see any way out of what I'm feeling...exercise isn't even an option. I'm just fighting for each minute and running outside won't do *kitten* for me.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    one of the side effects of most SSRIs and anti-psychs is gaining weight, and theyre the most common treatments for bipolar, though i think wellbutrin has been great for a lot of people and doesnt have weight gain as a side effect.
    with clinical depression, bipolar and other affective disorders you do need meds to manage them most of the time, but things that help you vent and express emotion, good sleep hygiene and a healthy life style in general do help and make it possible to even manage some affective dissorders without medication
  • Personally, I find a combination of things help (but I have *Bi*polar, not just depression). Working out, having fish oil supplements, meeting up with a friend twice a week, sitting in the sun, eating well, writing about everything that is bothering me in extreme detail, venting, listening to angry/sad music, finding stuff to laugh at and getting enough sleep makes me a lot less depressed. I am wondering how much this stuff would have helped before I got on the right medications?
  • yes. diagnosed with both along with a dose of anxiety in 2008. but probably had it for years and years, undiagnosed. things just "came to a head" then. tried so many meds I can't even remember. finally I said not more bipolar meds cuz I was a zombie so I said no more ..., I'll live with the malady. It actually was better w/out the meds so maybe it was that the depression/anxiety combo was worse than they thought. I was on Lexapro and Cymbaltra long-term and gained a lot of weight. Had it with that too. Have been on Wellbutrin for a couple years now and that did the trick. Feel 500% better and along with lchf diet have been able to lose it all and then some. Was also diagnosed with insulin resistance, so that's why that food plan. I feel like a different person. I hope you find the plan for yourself as well. It can be life changing. Especially when you are young. I hate to see you have to wait til you're my age, like I did.
  • xstephnz wrote: »
    Personally, I find a combination of things help (but I have *Bi*polar, not just depression). Working out, having fish oil supplements, meeting up with a friend twice a week, sitting in the sun, eating well, writing about everything that is bothering me in extreme detail, venting, listening to angry/sad music, finding stuff to laugh at and getting enough sleep makes me a lot less depressed. I am wondering how much this stuff would have helped before I got on the right medications?

    depends on the severity and which symptoms you mostly exhibit
  • I have depression, anxiety and multiple personality disorder and OCD. I have taken Citalopram, Prozac, Lexapro and now on Effexor. I gained weight with every single one of them. Currently my depression is under control, however with the multiple personality disorder and OCD it makes losing weight or even making a lifestyle change EXTREMELY difficult. There are days where I am good to go, but as soon as anything stressful occurs in my life this sets off my MPD and OCD. I become a completely different person, and when I try to get back to eating healthy and exercising I obsess about it to the point where that stresses me out. Then I just give up because I am completely overwhelmed.

    I am trying something new to me, today I start my first appointment back in therapy and I am hoping to use this to help me become healthier. I have tried MFP numerous times, Beachbody's 21 Day fix a few times (successful until stress), gym memberships and even thought about diet pills. I am hoping I can learn new tools and tips to help me win this battle.

    I do have to say that there are different severities of depression. About 10-15 years ago my depression was manageable. I was able to keep it at bay by running and music therapy for a short time. But it was inevitable that I could not do that forever and I needed to get myself some help.
  • i'm bipolar and on
    topamax (to combat the massive weight gain from seroquel)

    have about 42 lbs left to lose and it's a big struggle. i guess my "story" is that i wasn't diagnosed until i was 31 years old and in the midst of a pregnancy that didnt' end well (along with 3 other miscarriages and i ended up with a hysterectomy at age 42) just started meds a year ago and the weight has piled on. i hate feeling so heavy and wish i could get back to my pre-pregancy weight. the last time i was pregnant, i was 42 and only weighed 124. so now here i am at age 44 and i have a LONG way to go. my mental state is a 180 from where i was a year ago, so although i am carrying alot of weight, at least i am healthy mentally.
  • madhu1981 wrote: »
    few instances i do get depressed its part of life - medication is a 10km run under 60 mins - i feel good

    a few instances of getting depressed is a part of life, however, mental illness is COMPLETELY different. please do not compare. and by the way, running is NOT medication for a mentally ill person.
  • xstephnz wrote: »
    Personally, I find a combination of things help (but I have *Bi*polar, not just depression). Working out, having fish oil supplements, meeting up with a friend twice a week, sitting in the sun, eating well, writing about everything that is bothering me in extreme detail, venting, listening to angry/sad music, finding stuff to laugh at and getting enough sleep makes me a lot less depressed. I am wondering how much this stuff would have helped before I got on the right medications?

    i use sun shades every morning and *must* spend time in the sun every day or at the very least turn on all lights in the house if it's raining. light therapy helps me to get out of bed on a depression day. i have to force myself to get out with friends because i tend toward hibernation. i am in therapy once per week and couldn't make it w/o her. i take sleeping pills and have to sleep at least 9 hours per night or i cannot function. if i sleep less, i will start toward mania and can easily go 4-5 days with no sleep. it's a very slippery slope. i also have to watch alcohol intake. by the way, none of these things work w/o my meds. i am completely and totally dependent on them and i am fine with it. i have an alarm on my phone, 6:00 p.m. my life and the life of my husband, parents and children depend upon my taking them.
  • madhu1981 wrote: »
    few instances i do get depressed its part of life - medication is a 10km run under 60 mins - i feel good

    Please, and with due respect, "getting depressed" and "having depression" are two entirely, entirely, entirely different things. You can be 'depressed' about something- a life event, someone dying, etc. Depression (clinical) is a medical condition. And you can't outrun it, no matter how far you run in an hour.

  • Also, there's nothing wrong with being dependent on medication. Diabetics are dependent on insulin to cope with their condition, we can be dependent on ADs to cope with ours.

    i completely and totally agree with this, although it took me literally about 13+ years to come to that conclusion. if i had cancer, i would gladly accept drugs and meds. if i had a broken arm, i would take a cast and pain meds. so it's true of having a mental illness. meds are there for us to take. i cannot believe the difference in my life before and after. it is the difference between my husband coming home from work and finding me crying in the shower and him coming home and finding me cooking dinner. i KNOW i am dependent upon meds, but that's ok. i am at peace with that. i am thankful they are available, i'm thankful i have the financial means by which to purchase them, because some of them can be very expensive.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I am on clonazepam. I am not depressed, more so overly stressed out and it causes me to have anxiety. I can't stand to be around a large crowed and I can't look ppl in the eyes. I only take it when I'm at work or when I am fidgety and can't rest at night. I take it at work because I get angry fast at the ppl around me when they are not doing their job or at customers who get snappy with me, the clonazepam seems to balance my mood out. Besides that, I walk at lunch and when I get home and some days I do not have to take the medicine at all.
  • Also a suggestion is, finding something to do with your time because sitting and thinking about every problem. Exercise helps mentally because you feel like you have done a good deed for yourself and it also helps physically because you have done a good deed for your health! Setting a day of each week for a hobby, gives you a routine and something to look forward to. Make sure it's something you enjoy! Also being around ppl that can lift your spirits up, positivity and negativity rubs off!
  • Been put back on Fluoxetine, 40mg a day. I hate those things.
  • Yes, I am diagnosed bi polar.. I just took myself off of Lithium, topermate, giodon, & Xanax . I've been on pretty much every medication.. Jan 13, 2015 I got off medication because I've gained 80 pounds, I replace medications with positive things if I'm angry I go to the gym & box .. If I'm sad I go for a run & listen to positive music & if I'm happy & full of energy my family gets annoyed & sends me to the gym to drain my energy lol :) hope you get better :)
  • I was diagnosed with depression at 14, more along the self loathing side, I was a 14st 12 year old and I got bullied a lot, it stuck with me, I'm 18 now and I wear shirts that are 3 sizes too big because I hate people seeing my real shape, it got me into a rut when I lost the weight and I've slowly gained it back. There are days when I just don't want to move which hinders my weight loss and activity but I try my best to overcome anything thrown at me because I know I'm better than that. I'm too high risk to take medication so I wouldn't know about that but I'm just sharing my story and I'm more than happy to be there if anyone needs to vent or just to talk! :)

  • Also, there's nothing wrong with being dependent on medication. Diabetics are dependent on insulin to cope with their condition, we can be dependent on ADs to cope with ours.

    i completely and totally agree with this, although it took me literally about 13+ years to come to that conclusion. if i had cancer, i would gladly accept drugs and meds. if i had a broken arm, i would take a cast and pain meds. so it's true of having a mental illness. meds are there for us to take. i cannot believe the difference in my life before and after. it is the difference between my husband coming home from work and finding me crying in the shower and him coming home and finding me cooking dinner. i KNOW i am dependent upon meds, but that's ok. i am at peace with that. i am thankful they are available, i'm thankful i have the financial means by which to purchase them, because some of them can be very expensive.

    Yup, exactly! We are lucky enough to live in a world where these things are available and I am lucky enough to live in a country with entirely, 100% free health care. Why not take advantage of it? What's the point in suffering through depression if we have means to cope?
  • I struggle with depression and anxiety. I take 20mg of citalopram a day. I went off it for about a year or so, and started really struggling again. So, I am back on it. I find I get hungrier and have to be careful about eating too much, and make sure I am exercising. I would rather take medication than suffer all the time. I have never been diagnosed with bi-polar, so I can't comment on that one. Peace and be well!!