Getting Healthy

edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm 15 and weigh 264 pounds I know it really bad. I would like to lose 120 pounds. I joined this app to finally get my life on the right track. Hopefully by joining I can make friends to motivate each other to get healthy. To tell you a bit about myself is that I have always been a bigger girl. I'm getting older and want to lose the weight when I'm most capable. Also, I have anxiety and depression but I don't really like to talk about my feelings. The reason behind that is that I have trust issues and I feel like telling my feelings are pointless and people don't really care. In case you couldn't tell I love to write and can just type for hour about anything. Well I just want the best for myself and I just want to have a happy and long life. Sorry for this being super long :)


  • Hi Sweetie, what courage you have to come here at your age. Just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful the way you are now and that will be the same if you lose weight or gain weight, you will be beautiful because you are you. Hope you understand!! It doesn't matter what others think about you or say about you, they probably are insecure about some things in their own lives and want to make themselves feel better by picking on someone different than them. Look at youself in the mirror and tell yourself this : " I am beautiful, I am worthwhile, I am loved and cared for, I am significant, I am special, I am powerful, I can do anything I set my mind to, I am successful, I am strong and I am unbreakable".
    As for losing weight, maybe you should talk to the school councillor, your teacher, your mum or someone you trust or your doctor to see what help they can give you. Your feelings are not pointless, no matter what you may think now I want you to know that you are someone special and this phase in your life will pass. You will wake up one day and people will want to be like you, you will be the girl everyone wants to be like.
    Take things slow and talk to your mum, she is there to hold your hand and help you succeed in life.