Can't get the calories suggested



  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Pasta isn't good for you when you diet!

    says who? i eat pasta and rice and bread and chocolate and taco bell and local restaurants and cookies and pretty much whatever i want and still lose a pretty consistent 2 pounds a week.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    while this is a great tool for tracking to make sure you don't go over, also keep in mind that you don't always have to follow this down to the last calorie ie. if you're eating and you're full but MFP says you still need to eat X more calories to hit your target, don't force yourself to eat just to hit your target (esp if you're trying lose weight). your body will tell you when you need more food or when you've had enough. it's very important to also listen to your body.

    i've cut out grains completely and that results in me being less hungry. i don't hit my target most days because of this and i'm ok with that; i eat when i'm hungry and i don't eat when i'm not...shouldn't it be like that anyway?

    so stick with fresh wholesome foods. avoid anything processed. healthy fats, lean meats, healthy carbs (ie. sweet potatoes etc) will keep you full through the day. lots of water, no sugary junk and exercise at least 40mins a day (or 4-5x/week) targeting about 60-70% of your max heart rate. be patient, stick with this and you will see the weight come off.

  • Wow, I appreciate the response from everyone! You guys have been great!
    When I was writing the original post I was extremely sleepy and didn't cover everything.
    Some here have seemed to have taken it in a way that I am having trouble reducing the sodium in my diet.
    I have already been on a low sodium diet. The recommended amount of sodium seems to be 2,300, but the recommended amount for someone with High Blood Pressure is 1,500. I tend to keep my Sodium intake closer to 1,500, sometimes a little over, but not 2,300.
    I eat salad..... Lots and Lots of salad! I even make my own dressings because of the ridiculous amount of sodium content in salad dressings. When I tried the Military Diet I substituted out hot dogs and tuna for low sodium chicken.
    I keep seeing pasta and avocado mentioned. That sounds great! My Mother makes a Killer Avocado salad! I will have to get the recipe from her. For the pasta, I've never been much of a pasta guy other than Lasagna. But, I must admit, it was always frozen store bought processed poison.
    For the person who asked me if I feel full on the low calorie readings I was getting, Yes, I do feel full. And for your question of is my calorie count off? Only if myfitnesspal miscounts them, because that is where all of my calorie counts are coming from, and when I look at the labels that I have scanned it has been accurate, so I would think it would be accurate with the others as well.
    Again, I really appreciate everyones help.

    Thanks so much
  • Wow, I appreciate the response from everyone! You guys have been great!
    When I was writing the original post I was extremely sleepy and didn't cover everything.
    Some here have seemed to have taken it in a way that I am having trouble reducing the sodium in my diet.
    I have already been on a low sodium diet. The recommended amount of sodium seems to be 2,300, but the recommended amount for someone with High Blood Pressure is 1,500. I tend to keep my Sodium intake closer to 1,500, sometimes a little over, but not 2,300.
    I eat salad..... Lots and Lots of salad! I even make my own dressings because of the ridiculous amount of sodium content in salad dressings. When I tried the Military Diet I substituted out hot dogs and tuna for low sodium chicken.
    I keep seeing pasta and avocado mentioned. That sounds great! My Mother makes a Killer Avocado salad! I will have to get the recipe from her. For the pasta, I've never been much of a pasta guy other than Lasagna. But, I must admit, it was always frozen store bought processed poison.
    For the person who asked me if I feel full on the low calorie readings I was getting, Yes, I do feel full. And for your question of is my calorie count off? Only if myfitnesspal miscounts them, because that is where all of my calorie counts are coming from, and when I look at the labels that I have scanned it has been accurate, so I would think it would be accurate with the others as well.
    Again, I really appreciate everyones help.

    Thanks so much
    The reason I mentioned 2300 is because he's allowed to eat there now, but we had little trouble getting him at 1500 as long as we were home cooking most meals. I'm not telling you to raise your sodium amount, because it sounds like your issue is more serious, since you are on meds. I'm telling you to eat similarly to how you always did, with just making some low-sodium substitutions.

    As to the questions about calorie counts, it's not a question of mfp miscounting or whether you don't know how to use the scanner, but of whether you are accurately measuring your food. Are you using a kitchen scale to weigh solids? People frequently underestimate their portions--it's extremely common and could be a source of why you are eating such a low amount of food but don't feel hungry.

    BTW, processed food isn't "poison". It may not be workable for your diet due to the sodium issue, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. But if you don't like pasta much, rice is another low sodium and higher calorie idea.
  • Pasta isn't good for you when you diet!

    ....*looks at pasta and says...are you bad? answers Nope*

    *eats pasta*

    *still loses weight*
  • Wow, I appreciate the response from everyone! You guys have been great!
    When I was writing the original post I was extremely sleepy and didn't cover everything.
    Some here have seemed to have taken it in a way that I am having trouble reducing the sodium in my diet.
    I have already been on a low sodium diet. The recommended amount of sodium seems to be 2,300, but the recommended amount for someone with High Blood Pressure is 1,500. I tend to keep my Sodium intake closer to 1,500, sometimes a little over, but not 2,300.
    I eat salad..... Lots and Lots of salad! I even make my own dressings because of the ridiculous amount of sodium content in salad dressings. When I tried the Military Diet I substituted out hot dogs and tuna for low sodium chicken.
    I keep seeing pasta and avocado mentioned. That sounds great! My Mother makes a Killer Avocado salad! I will have to get the recipe from her. For the pasta, I've never been much of a pasta guy other than Lasagna. But, I must admit, it was always frozen store bought processed poison.
    For the person who asked me if I feel full on the low calorie readings I was getting, Yes, I do feel full. And for your question of is my calorie count off? Only if myfitnesspal miscounts them, because that is where all of my calorie counts are coming from, and when I look at the labels that I have scanned it has been accurate, so I would think it would be accurate with the others as well.
    Again, I really appreciate everyones help.

    Thanks so much

    I don't watch my sodium but I do my husbands...he isn't on meds but check my diary if you want and change out the high sodium stuff like bbq sauce for homemade etc.

    I eat 1800 a day (could eat more but want to lose an extra 10) all mainly home cooked.

  • Wow, I appreciate the response from everyone! You guys have been great!
    When I was writing the original post I was extremely sleepy and didn't cover everything.
    Some here have seemed to have taken it in a way that I am having trouble reducing the sodium in my diet.
    I have already been on a low sodium diet. The recommended amount of sodium seems to be 2,300, but the recommended amount for someone with High Blood Pressure is 1,500. I tend to keep my Sodium intake closer to 1,500, sometimes a little over, but not 2,300.
    I eat salad..... Lots and Lots of salad! I even make my own dressings because of the ridiculous amount of sodium content in salad dressings. When I tried the Military Diet I substituted out hot dogs and tuna for low sodium chicken.
    I keep seeing pasta and avocado mentioned. That sounds great! My Mother makes a Killer Avocado salad! I will have to get the recipe from her. For the pasta, I've never been much of a pasta guy other than Lasagna. But, I must admit, it was always frozen store bought processed poison.
    For the person who asked me if I feel full on the low calorie readings I was getting, Yes, I do feel full. And for your question of is my calorie count off? Only if myfitnesspal miscounts them, because that is where all of my calorie counts are coming from, and when I look at the labels that I have scanned it has been accurate, so I would think it would be accurate with the others as well.
    Again, I really appreciate everyones help.

    Thanks so much

    I eat 1 salad a day sometimes more
    And my salt intake is most days lower than 1500mg and even under 1000mg

    My BP was shocking/dangerous high 6 months ago.
    After 6 weeks of complete eating without adding salt it started to drop. It wasn't steady yet but the start was there.
    3 months "in" it was hoovering around the 150/110

    Now ( yesterday was a stats day like every Monday for me) it stays since a 6 weeks between the 118/72 (yeah yeah) and the 130/77
    So hip hip horeeeee.
    And no medications at all. :)
    So for some people this will help, but being determent and consistent is the key.
  • I had the same problems when I was first given the high BP meds. Homemade nut butters help get those calories up and still keep my sodium down. I still have days when I can't seem to eat another bite and way below MFP limits and will have that 1-2 days every so often I will feel I will start eating my limbs off....hazard of getting old

  • The reason I mentioned 2300 is because he's allowed to eat there now, but we had little trouble getting him at 1500 as long as we were home cooking most meals. I'm not telling you to raise your sodium amount, because it sounds like your issue is more serious, since you are on meds. I'm telling you to eat similarly to how you always did, with just making some low-sodium substitutions.

    As to the questions about calorie counts, it's not a question of mfp miscounting or whether you don't know how to use the scanner, but of whether you are accurately measuring your food. Are you using a kitchen scale to weigh solids? People frequently underestimate their portions--it's extremely common and could be a source of why you are eating such a low amount of food but don't feel hungry.

    BTW, processed food isn't "poison". It may not be workable for your diet due to the sodium issue, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. But if you don't like pasta much, rice is another low sodium and higher calorie idea. [/quote]

    I wasn't mentioning 2,300 because you mentioned 2,300. I brought it up because that is what the guideline set's the limit at, and I mention 1,500 because that is what the "target range" for someone with High Blood Pressure was set in the guideline.
    Yes, I weigh my food before consumption so I can be as accurate as possible. I measure out what I drink before I drink it also.
    Processed food may not be like a poison to you, but to many it very well is like taking a poison.
  • [/quote]

    I eat 1 salad a day sometimes more
    And my salt intake is most days lower than 1500mg and even under 1000mg

    My BP was shocking/dangerous high 6 months ago.
    After 6 weeks of complete eating without adding salt it started to drop. It wasn't steady yet but the start was there.
    3 months "in" it was hoovering around the 150/110

    Now ( yesterday was a stats day like every Monday for me) it stays since a 6 weeks between the 118/72 (yeah yeah) and the 130/77
    So hip hip horeeeee.
    And no medications at all. :)
    So for some people this will help, but being determent and consistent is the key.

    Great story with bringing the BP down! I hope to do the same with my diet. I know that the 20 more pounds that I want to lose may not sound like a lot, but it sticks right around my stomach and sides and does cause my BP to go up along with a general feeling of yuck!

    I so much appreciate everyone's input. I really do. I will be honest here and tell you, I do not have much of a "Support Group" in my corner to help me out, so I am doing this by myself. To meet others with the same challenges and see the stories here are very helpful for me. I know I am not in direct communication with anyone here for support, but just seeing the stories here has been inspiring and helpful, and having so many responses, even if some of them contradict one another.... it's great to at least be involved in an open dialogue with others whom have same or similar goals. I have actually learned some ideas just from this single post from so many people.
    You guys have been great.
  • Thanks for the update. Keep doing what is working for you. :)
  • Thanks RodaRose. I hope everything works out. I have a feeling it will.
  • Pasta isn't good for you when you diet!

    That is a myth. The meditearanean diet is one that is lauded for being an excellent all round diet. Latest testing even shows that reheated pasta is good for diabetics (tested at Liverpool University) as when it is reheated it forms a lower GI food and more of a fibre. So go for it.
  • Pasta isn't good for you when you diet!

  • Pu_239 wrote: »
    You need to get in more calories, the easiest way to do this is to eat more fat. Add butter, olive oil, avocados, nuts, coconut oil.

    A nice sweet treat that i used to eat is 2tbs of cocoa powder(unsweetened), 2tbs of coconut oil, 1tbs of stevia(artificial sweetener). Mix it really well till it has a consistency of chocolate. This is roughly 250 calories and you get around 4tbs worth.

    I'd try to stay away from processed foods, they usually contain a lot of sodium.

    I agree!
    I totally forgot how much calories fats have. I cooked with a tablespoon of olive oil today, about 120 calories! quick calories if you need it, don't forget to log those (I almost did).