What's better, long-term weight loss or quick weight loss?

I'm 6ft. 190lbs 18y.o. male and I'd like to drop at least 10 pounds so I can drop a weight class for my wrestling season next year. This year I've dropped 20lbs already but I dropped it in an extremely unhealthy way. Like 500 calories a day for a month or two. Now I know that's really stupid but I really wanted to get to 190lbs this season, which I did successfully. Now I'm trying to drop the last ten pounds healthily by eating 1500 calories a day. I manage this fine during the week but I always end up overeating during the weekend because I'm either eating to avoid doing homework or because I feel like I was good during the week and justify treating myself. This usually cancels out my calories lost so I don't lose anything. I keep thinking that if I raise the number of calories I eat a day I won't overeat on the weekends but then I just think I'm being weak. I think the only way I can take action one way or the other is by seeing the advice that others give. Sorry about the crappy writimg but my phone has already deleted this post twice so I really just want to post this quickly.


  • Severely restricting your caloric intake will only make you physically weak. It will also make you want to splurge, like you have been doing. Good luck.
  • Exercise. I KNOW I am going to overeat on the weekend so I do crossfit Friday arvo and Saturday morning. If I am really over I go and do other exercise on Sunday.

    Also if you are eating out of boredom, log before eating. Often that little reminder of what you are doing is enough to stop the hand to mouth.
  • you definitely don't want to lose weight too fast. If you do then you will also be losing too much muscle at the same time. You need every bit of that stuff you can keep your hands on for wrestling.
  • I think it depends on the individual. I have lost weight slow and steady before, and when I reached maintenance, the first thing I did was made me a big batch of peanut butter bars. So along as you are eating mostly nutritious foods, I would think that it didn't matter if you did it quick or slow. Good luck!
  • That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the tips guys! I think I'll raise my calories per day to 1900 so I'll just lose around 1lb a week instead of trying (and failing to reach) 2. That should keep me from restricting what I eat as much and making me crave as much food on the weekend.
  • I struggled with weekends, socially and mentally I just always seemed to go over. Now I work on a weekly deficit. I was allocated 1440 a day (5'4 35yo woman). 1440 x 7 days = 10,080. I tend to eat 1200ish each weekday (6000 cals), which leaves me 4080 for the weekend. That way I can have the pizza, or the chips etc and still lose weight.

    You could think aboput doing something similar, but catered to your calorie goal.