I'm really struggling after losing over 40 lbs!

We went out of town a couple weeks ago and stayed with family. They insisted on eating out nearly every meal. I figured I would eat pretty much what I wanted while out of town for the weekend, then get back on track. It has not worked that way. All I want to do is eat! I can't seem to get back on track. I am so discouraged and disappointed in myself. Not sure how to get myself back on the right track where my weight loss is concerned... So mad at myself!


  • I have lost 20#, and now, no matter what I do, the scales won't budge. I'm frustrated too!

    Why not go back to baby steps, if you can't manage to get going full force. Make healthy changes like you did at the beginning of your journey. Eliminate some of the unhealthy things you are eating, and replace them with healthy food you like. Just go one day at a time, and soon it will be your new "normal". The last thing you want to do is fall back into old patterns. You have come so far, that is too much hard work to waste!!!

    I wish you the best. If you need another friend, feel free to add me. My online name is dinobomp.
    Hugs to you, Diane
  • I agree with Diane don't fall back into your old eating habits. Do one day and at a time log your food and find your weaknesses. It's going to take time, you didn't lose it overnight the first time. No need in being mad with yourself. Just make better choices when you feel the need to eat more, something that will fill you up. Also drink lots of water. I hate water!
    Good Luck and hang in there.
  • If you're way off track and compulsively eating, try a reset. Get rid of foods you overeat and only have veg and etc. in the house for a while.
  • There really is no trick to it. You decide what is important and then you either do or do not.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I recommend firstly getting the emotional stuff out of the way. You are not a bad person for wanting to eat food. Your body is simply set to want food - its an instinct that helped people survive all these years on earth. So, stop punishing yourself by feeling bad, being disappointed with yourself, etc.

    To get back into it, start with logging everything you eat. This should direct your attention to your intake again and re-activate your learned good habits. You will find you did not lose them - you just need to start practicing them again.

    Best wishes!
  • Walk around the block- Every time you want to give in and over eat walk around the block first. Then add it to your food log BEFORE you eat it. Do you still want it? If so have half of it.

    Distraction is often a great help when you are having a weak moment. You CAN get back to it :)