I'm struggling with my weight

i started T25 and I'm 175 lbs 18 years old. I am really getting depressed and just desperate, I dont know what to eat at all.... Please help me


  • Eat lean proteins and lots of vegetables. Eat often.... Small meals. No sugar.... No simple carbs like white bread and pasta...... Stick to whole grains and drink lots of water.
  • You can eat anything you like as long as you eat less than you burn. You probably know which foods are nutritious, eat plenty of those but don't be scared to have a little treat each day. No need to eliminate any food or food groups. All that matters for weight loss is that calories in are less than calories out.
  • You can eat everything as long as you eat less calories than you burn daily ( normal daily burn plus exercise)

    to do this you weigh ALL your solid food on a food scale and measure all your liquids.
    Log them here in your daily dairy. Eat in a calorie deficit ( so less than you burn) and you will lose weight!

    how much that depends on much factors Like how big is your deficit, how old you are, your height etc etc.
  • Hi! as a fellow 18 Y/o, I'll list some things I like to eat that are super good for you, taste good and will help you lose weight!
    First off I loved Steamed broccoli, you can steam it with boiling water or do it in the microwave and it only takes 3minutes! Broccoli is amazing for your body keeps you full with lots of fiber and has 30 calories per cup. Some people say broccoli is a negative calorie food because your digestive systems works harder to digest it than fuel it gives you. (Just a fun myth.)

    For breakfast you can eat oatmeal, or my favorite are prunes! You could get some whole grain cereal with something like raisins in it! Next time you go to the store try getting some unsalted nuts! I tend to get Almonds they have healthy fats lots of protein and taste great.

    For lunch you could make a salad and instead of ranch dressing I would suggest a yogurt based ranch, (It sounds gross but taste the EXACT SAME to me.) I like to add turkey to my salad and whole grain croutons. You could also do something simple like a turkey sandwich on whole grain (I like to use 1 piece of bread.)

    If you are willing to spend a little extra money, you can buy quest bars from GNC or Amazon, they taste like candy bars to me, and are loaded with protein and fiber, have little sugar and little net carbs. (these can be used as a meal replacement or with a piece of fruit for a full lunch.)

    I can't stress how important water is. Not only is it so good for your body, It can boost your metabolism by up to 30% and will leave your skin feeling baby soft :) (If you drink it a lot every day) water will also help suppress snacking urges.

    Hard boiled eggs are great because they're easy to make and are low in calories but leave you feeling full.

    Fruits and vegetables are essential and personal preference.

    One of my favorite dinners is just straight un seasoned chicken breast. I'll cook it myself or just buy a full hot chicken breast from the store and eat it for the next few days! Try to cut down on barbecue sauce and stuff like that. When I'm trying to cut weight I like to think of food as fuel not enjoyment. Not that it can't be at all!

    If you have a sweet tooth I would suggest BAI5 you can buy it on Amazon or target and places like that, the whole 16 ounce bottle has 10 calories taste amazing and is loaded with antioxidants.

    I hope I helped. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Eat fewer calories than you burn.

    Are you logging your calories here?
  • i started T25 and I'm 175 lbs 18 years old. I am really getting depressed and just desperate, I dont know what to eat at all.... Please help me
    Hi, I weigh the same as you and know how you feel...... I have just let my weight increase and increase and now I feel it's time to take control! I plan to eat 3 meals and a couple of healthy snacks and exercise 5 times a week, I have lost weight on MFP before so I am feeling confident - let;s hope we are both successful..... my top tip is 'don't give up because you have one bad day.... get back on track!
    Good luck
  • i started T25 and I'm 175 lbs 18 years old. I am really getting depressed and just desperate, I dont know what to eat at all.... Please help me

    What do you eat now? Just that but less of it
  • Ultimately as long as you eat less than what you are burning you will loose weight. If you think you are eating less but still gaining, you might want to look at a food scale and measuring things out before you eat them. A lot of peoples perception of "1 cup" or "3 ounces" is way off, and they're eating a lot more than what they thought they were.

    Exercise will also help because you will be burning more calories and if it is strength training, you will be building muscle and the more muscle you have the more fat you tend to loose.

    Personally, I also usually ask myself before eating something "Is this healthy?" If I say "no" and decide to eat it anyway, I try to make sure that I only eat around 1 or 2 things a day that I answer "no" to as being healthy. That way, I'm eating mostly healthy, but still treating myself every once and a while and curbing some food cravings by eating things in moderation.
  • Eat at a deficit and you'll lose weight. To ensure this, get a food scale.
  • Ariesborne wrote: »
    Eat lean proteins and lots of vegetables. Eat often.... Small meals. No sugar.... No simple carbs like white bread and pasta...... Stick to whole grains and drink lots of water.


    just weigh and log your food to a calorie defecit .. lean proteins and vegetables are great

    size of meals, sugar, carbs are irrelevant

  • I recommend that you start by setting your goals here on MFP and accurately weighing, measuring and logging everything you eat and drink. Don't worry too much about meeting your calorie goals or losing weight straight away. Use the first couple of weeks to see what impact the way you normally eat has on your calorie targets. From there you can start to make adjustments to your diet so that you start to meet your goals.
  • While it is true that all you need is to establish a calorie deficit, cutting back on processed sugar and simple carbs will help with that.

    Processed sugar is very calorie dense so consuming it does not satisfy your hunger easily and you crave more even if you are not hungry. There is a great deal of scientific evidence that suggest that processed sugar is bad for you.

    It is best to get sugar from unprocessed natural sources like fruit. This doesn't mean that the sugar from fruit is harmless only that you are able to consume more of it for less calories and you get full faster.

    Avoid drinking sugar-sweetened drinks. Water is the best thing to drink. Artificial sweeteners may help but avoid them as well if you can.
  • Eat what you've been eating your whole life (it's what you're gonna do anyway, right?) ... just eat less of it.
  • Like others are saying, eat what you want but eat less.

    Fill out your profile with MFP and use the calorie goal it sets for you. Log all your food accurately, stay at/under the goal and you will lose weight.