Worst Date Ever!

I want to hear your date horror stories....


  • I'm kind of sad I never got to date around before I got married. I have no horror stories... :/
  • I was in high school, and my date started telling me that he had just moved/got kicked out from a polygamous compound. He said he liked being on his own, but sometimes he would have to skip meals to make ends meet. I felt so bad that he bought dinner. Then we went to a comedy club, and I showed him where I have parked before. I was in highschool and my dad kept calling me and telling me I had to come home. So we had to leave early, only to discover that his car had been booted and had to pay $200 before we could drive away :(

    The next time I saw him was at a grocery store. He was on crutches and his crutch hit a cherry on the floor and he slipped and fell. Worst luck ever.
  • I get mixed reactions when I tell this story because some people say it wasn't technically a date, but I think it's hilarious so I'm going to tell it anyway. This was the summer after I'd graduated high school. I was a "late bloomer" I guess, so at this point I'd only dated two guys and made out like once.

    Anyway, so I hit it off with a guy a year younger than me and start a summer fling. We hang out at his house a lot, but I'm not allowed over if his parents aren't home. Then, one day, he asks to hang out. I say sure, he picks me up and we head back to his place.

    But once we get there - no parents cars. Hmmm. So we head towards the house and, before we get to the door, he pauses and takes my hand. Then, he leads me to his bedroom. He shuts the door behinds us, gently pushes me onto the bed...and proceeds to show me his stuffed animal collection.

    That's not a euphemism. Literally a stuffed animal collection. I picked up one of the toys, I think a rabbit or something, and tossed it down completely uninterested and he chided me on not being careful enough with it. I couldn't believe it was happening at the time, but now I'm really glad it did, because it makes a great story.
  • When I was a junior in HS a senior asked me out on a date. We went to the movies with his buddy and my best friend. For some reason only known to him, he felt the need to try to impress me by burping he ABC's because yeah that is a turn on. He burped too hard and threw up as he said "F". I jumped up in pure disgust, ran the opposite way of the aisle and hid in the bathroom. He was our ride home, but luckily we saw my friend's older sister and she took us home. I never spoke to him again. Yuck!

    In college I dated a guy with the most horrid smelling feet. I used to hold my breath when he came close to me, but that would make me lightheaded so I had to quit seeing him.
  • I don't have any 'terribly bad' date memories, but it was definitely awkward having a date with a guy who was about 30 (I was about 26 at the time) and the whole time during our coffee date he was shaking. He was that nervous. I sort of knew that there was never going to be a second date but he thought it went well. I felt so bad having to say "I'm not interested in you that way."
  • I went on a date with this guy who seemingly went out of his way to be an obnoxious stereotype of someone from New Jersey. We were at an Italian restaurant was a group of men next to us in the bar speaking Italian. Strike 1, he wanted me to tell him what they were saying. I'm not fluent, but it just seemed tasteless. Fast forward to dinner he complains about nearly everything concerning the food, and berates the waiter for the type of sausage used in the Stromboli. Mind you the chef that own/rus the place is actually from Italy, and owns several restaurants. Needless to say there were no more dates after that.
  • I went on a blind date with a bloke who looked nothing like was described was alot shorter then me and was really drunk when I arrived we had nothing in common and at the end of the night when I decided I'd had enough he wanted me to go down a laneway and pleasure him when I told him where to go not so nicely he decided to urinate in front of me on the street.....nice !!
    I jumped in a taxi and made my way home he rang my phone wanting to know where I was and that we could book into a hotel if I preferred.
    I never had contact from him again.

  • Another guy didn't like what he saw when I turned up but said to me " we'll still go the pictures sure there is every chance I'll meet someone in there " then he talked about his ex all night long until I said listen just drop me home I can't listen to anymore stories about your ex and your son.
    I'm married now 3 years to a brilliant man, our first date was dinner and a big booze up in Dublin City we had a great night and he is a gentleman.