Any Post Pregnancy Moms Out there?

I just had my first baby in February and trying to get toned again, I feel like I lost all my muscle. Trying to be discipline myself especially since it's about summer time and the stretch marks I have gained would look much better in abs than flabs :) anyway looking for friends and support so add me and we can encourage one another!


  • I am 4 months pp. Def looking for encouragement!! I have two little ones and have gained a lot of weight and would like to tone up and get back to even close to where I was before.
  • Hi my 3rd little one is 7 months now and I'm in the same boat as you. Trying to get fit again and tone up.
  • I have a 16 month old that I never lost the baby weight from. I'm trying to get the motivation to exercise and eat healthy but man is it hard when you have a toddler and a full time job. Gotta do it though!!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I'm on my 3rd baby put on a lot of weight due to having them close together and never quite losing the weight before having the next! I'm 6 months pp after a csection. I started trying to lose the weight at the start of jan and have lost 39 lb so far.

    You just have to make time to get healthy. Obvs i make sure the kids are looked after first but other stuff like housework can wait!

    I'm finding after the section tho my belly shelf is really hard to shift
  • I'm two years postpartum lol I'm determined to lose this flabby belly it's been to long
  • Hi I'm 6m pp. it's so hard with full time job & 2 kids! I just started to exercise, I got do this!!
  • My 3rd babies 7 months old I lost 80 pounds before I got pregnant and now I gained it all back. We can motivate each other!
  • I'm 6 weeks pp on my fourth babs, put on nearly 60 lbs this pregnancy and also gave up the cigarettes, had weight to lose before getting pregnant so now I'm looking to lose around 80 lbs, seems like soo much to lose and will take soo long.. just hope I can stick to a diet plan and not lose heart :(