Recovered bulimic, now fast food manager, struggling with highest weight of my life!

Hi. I am 5'6" and have fluctuated between 135-150 lbs for about a decade. I used to have bulimia and went to an eating disorder clinic and recovered eventually. When I joined the app 6 days ago I weighed 177.2 lbs. This was a shockingly high number for me. Luckily girls in my family gain weight in the right places so I'm mostly just curvy at this point, but I don't want my weight to spiral out of control. I can't fit into most of my pants now because of how much I've gained in my rear and thighs. This is very frustrating. Now I only wear leggings and yoga pants. My goal is to wear jeans again by the end of the month. Lost 4 lbs in 6 days and hoping to keep it going. Doesn't help that I'm a manager for a fast food restaurant. Anyone dealing with any similar struggles?


  • Hi Ashley, I also am a manager of a fast food restaurant. I have found a way that is working for me and getting some healthier options while staying under my calorie and fat goals. I have lost about 40 lbs. since November. Feel free to add me as a friend. My diary is open.

    I would encourage you to not try to take the weight off too fast. Mare than 1-2 lbs. per week could be an unhealthy loss.
  • I am actually only trying to lose 1 lb. a week, but because I was consuming 3,000-6,000 calories a day the weight is coming off quickly starting out. I am trying to eat only salads at work but it can be really hard. I had mac n cheese one day and also have soup, bananas, and apples with caramel at work. Not a lot of options.
  • I'm about the same height and weight as you are. I'm 5'7 and 166. I like to be around 130-150 too. I understand your struggle as I've had eating issues my whole life.
  • Hey girl! I am also a recovering bulimic...I graduated in patient treatment about two years ago and everyday is a struggle. This app goes against EVERYTHING that I was taught in treatment. I'm sure you are having the same issues with what you have been taught. I know we aren't suppose to count calories, etc., but I find that I only have two modes #1- restricting and #2-bingeing . I DO NOT have a happy medium on my own. I find that this app helps keep me accountable and aware if I am on the right track. I can easily see what I am doing that day and try to make a conscious decision to eat healthy. I think that if we are honest with ourselves and what we are doing, then that is the biggest step. Just try not to let the ED voice creep in. Are you able to pack lunches for work?
  • OK, I'm glad to know you aren't trying to lose that much in a short time. :smile: My weight came off quickly at first also, I think just from all the running around. I eat wraps and grilled chicken a lot.
  • I'm about the same height and weight as you are. I'm 5'7 and 166. I like to be around 130-150 too. I understand your struggle as I've had eating issues my whole life.

    Thanks, nice to know I'm not alone. My weight issues started in my home. I became weight conscious at a very early age. I started doing workout videos before kindergarten if you can believe it. I started dieting in 4th grade. I wasn't even overweight. I had developed a full blown eating disorder by junior high. My weight has always fluctuated. In the last decade I have gone between sizes 4-13 and still keep all the clothes because I never know which ones I will fit into next.
  • Hey girl! I am also a recovering bulimic...I graduated in patient treatment about two years ago and everyday is a struggle. This app goes against EVERYTHING that I was taught in treatment. I'm sure you are having the same issues with what you have been taught. I know we aren't suppose to count calories, etc., but I find that I only have two modes #1- restricting and #2-bingeing . I DO NOT have a happy medium on my own. I find that this app helps keep me accountable and aware if I am on the right track. I can easily see what I am doing that day and try to make a conscious decision to eat healthy. I think that if we are honest with ourselves and what we are doing, then that is the biggest step. Just try not to let the ED voice creep in. Are you able to pack lunches for work?

    I know it's really hard not to let ED take over. I haven't acted on my impulses since recovery because of all the negative effects, especially enamel erosion. I still have major teeth sensitivity. Can't even drink cold water. I wasn't ever an underweight bulimic. I literally consumed up to 10,000 calories a day at the time and purging only kept me at a healthy weight. I have avoided counting calories too, but look where it's gotten me. I have been recovering for 5 years so I feel like I can handle it now. I think it's important to know what I'm putting in my body. I used to have calories for everything memorized. Now I'm back at square one.
  • I'm 5'5" and have yo-yo'd between 148-219 lbs over the past 5 years. I'm currently 182 lbs with a goal weight of 155-160 lbs. I have trouble with over eating and drinking alcohol for months at a time and quickly gaining weight. I also broke my leg a few years ago while I was training for a 5K and never decreased my calories when my life became sedentary (hence the 219 lbs).

    When getting back on track I become overly obsessive about my caloric intake... usually consuming way under 1,000 cal. My struggle is other people's influence. I currently live with a WAY over eater. Yes, he's 6'0", this doesn't mean he should weigh over 250 lbs. Ideally he should weigh around 180 lbs. I don't really have a problem with what he weighs, but he's always abandoning our meal plans with meat lovers pizza, huge deli subs, or ingredients for nachos... it's so frustrating. I hate wasting food money on items I don't want to eat for health reasons, only to find there's no money for healthier items.
  • OK, I'm glad to know you aren't trying to lose that much in a short time. :smile: My weight came off quickly at first also, I think just from all the running around. I eat wraps and grilled chicken a lot.

    Hmm hadn't thought about making wraps. That's a good idea. I'm a vegetarian, but when I used to work at McDonald's I made veggie wraps. Totally forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me!
  • I'd try bringing your own food to work in a lunch pack. You can make your food at home and then will have a healthy option when u get hungry at work.
    After you go through the effort to plan and prepare and pack your lunch, you'll likely not want to waste it so you'll eat it instead of the fast foods.
    Best of luck
  • kamber13 wrote: »
    I'm 5'5" and have yo-yo'd between 148-219 lbs over the past 5 years. I'm currently 182 lbs with a goal weight of 155-160 lbs. I have trouble with over eating and drinking alcohol for months at a time and quickly gaining weight. I also broke my leg a few years ago while I was training for a 5K and never decreased my calories when my life became sedentary (hence the 219 lbs).

    When getting back on track I become overly obsessive about my caloric intake... usually consuming way under 1,000 cal. My struggle is other people's influence. I currently live with a WAY over eater. Yes, he's 6'0", this doesn't mean he should weigh over 250 lbs. Ideally he should weigh around 180 lbs. I don't really have a problem with what he weighs, but he's always abandoning our meal plans with meat lovers pizza, huge deli subs, or ingredients for nachos... it's so frustrating. I hate wasting food money on items I don't want to eat for health reasons, only to find there's no money for healthier items.

    Man, that sucks. I used to restrict like crazy too. I used to do something called the ABC diet where you would consume different intervals of calories a day, always way under 1000. Nothing good can come from this! Even though you lose weight quickly it slows your metabolism and puts your body into starvation mode where it stores everything you eat as fat and causes muscle depletion. You become totally malnourished in the process and gain everything back twice as fast.

    I know what you mean about boyfriend's diets screwing stuff up. Only difference is mine has a crazy metabolism. He eats whatever he wants and never gains a pound. I have had ice cream and cake in the apartment for days and have not indulged yet but it has been hard. I feel your pain!
  • thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I'd try bringing your own food to work in a lunch pack. You can make your food at home and then will have a healthy option when u get hungry at work.
    After you go through the effort to plan and prepare and pack your lunch, you'll likely not want to waste it so you'll eat it instead of the fast foods.
    Best of luck

    Yeah only thing is we aren't allowed to put any food in the refrigerators since they all contain food we sell. I work 10+ hour shifts with no break so that makes it very tricky for eating at home on break, which is what I used to do when I was a GM for Jiffy Lube. Plus we had an employee refrigerator there. Not a lot of options for me at my new job.
  • thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I'd try bringing your own food to work in a lunch pack. You can make your food at home and then will have a healthy option when u get hungry at work.
    After you go through the effort to plan and prepare and pack your lunch, you'll likely not want to waste it so you'll eat it instead of the fast foods.
    Best of luck

    Yeah only thing is we aren't allowed to put any food in the refrigerators since they all contain food we sell. I work 10+ hour shifts with no break so that makes it very tricky for eating at home on break, which is what I used to do when I was a GM for Jiffy Lube. Plus we had an employee refrigerator there. Not a lot of options for me at my new job.

    Could you get one of those lunch bags with an ice pack? That's what I use, my job has a fridge but I like my food close by for snacking reasons
  • Ajocal18 wrote: »
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    I'd try bringing your own food to work in a lunch pack. You can make your food at home and then will have a healthy option when u get hungry at work.
    After you go through the effort to plan and prepare and pack your lunch, you'll likely not want to waste it so you'll eat it instead of the fast foods.
    Best of luck

    Yeah only thing is we aren't allowed to put any food in the refrigerators since they all contain food we sell. I work 10+ hour shifts with no break so that makes it very tricky for eating at home on break, which is what I used to do when I was a GM for Jiffy Lube. Plus we had an employee refrigerator there. Not a lot of options for me at my new job.

    Could you get one of those lunch bags with an ice pack? That's what I use, my job has a fridge but I like my food close by for snacking reasons

    Don't know why I never thought of that. Thanks for the idea!