Why can't I lose weight?

Hello I'm 5'2 and 174ish pounds. It's embarrassing, I know. I have started my weight loss journey lastdecember, running a mile a day. In January I lost 2 pounds. In February I fell into suicidal depression and gained back a few pounds. Since then it took me 2 months to lose two pounds. It shouldn't take this long. Why is this happening??


  • Are you counting calories, including weighing your food if you need to? Because you lose by eating less than you burn.
  • Because you arent doing it properly i.e you are eaing more than you think and burning less, so you arent at a calorific deficit and dont lose.

    Are you logging and weighing your food?
    have you set your deficit at an appropriate level?
    Forget the exercise until you have mastered your logging and consumption.
  • You can't just exercise and and expect to lose weight without keeping your diet in check. Diet is much more important than exercise for weight loss because it's much easier to create a deficit by eating less than it is by exercising more.
  • You absolutely *can* ... but you *wont*.

    There's a difference.
  • If you're taking meds for your depression it may make it harder to lose weight, but you can still do it! 2 pounds in 2 months isn't awful, but I know you can do better. :)

    Try to be really on top of weighing/measuring/logging your food. Hitting your goals will allow you to lose weight even if there are some days you can't get up the energy to run. Wish you the best at this!
  • Adjust your goals and make sure they are realistic, then you can celebrate meeting them Today I moved out of the obese category and into the just overweight category. I AM HAPPY and motivated to set a new goal-not sure what yet
  • Can you open your diary?