You know the saying "one bad day doesn't have to mean you ruined your whole diet!" Those words have been then demise to my weight loss journey... My name is Jennifer and I'm 27 years old

I live in BEAUTIFUL Orange County, CA. Growing up I was always pretty athletic and never struggled with my weight in fact I was some what picked on for being so tall and lanky but allll that changed in my 20s. Like most people in your 20s you gain a little weight because your able to drink, your lifestyle changes whatever but I would have never imagined to gain nearly 45 pounds. It's been the biggest struggle of my life. I do the whole this is it and I'll workout and "eat clean" for weeks at a time then fall off the wagon and eat like *kitten* again and the cycle continues. I feel like this time around I want it to be different, I'm tired of feeling insecure with my looks, finding shirts that have sleeves, not going to the beach or the pool things that seem silly but they really can and will take a toll on a person. I'm looking to talk to people who feel the same, people who need some encouragement when your roommate orders lava cake and pizza and midnight and you just need someone to say NOT WORTH IT! I want to chat & meet up with people looking to workout, meal prep, swap ideas and recipes with.
Whatever reason your on here, it's to live a healthy lifestyle, and I'm trying to figure out what that means for me! I'm excited to take control of this once and for all!