I hate teenage boys...



  • My husband eats those now after dinner. He'll have hundreds of calories left and then eat a pizza or a box of cheese sticks. His arteries are coming along nicely.
  • [quote="I keep telling them that they need to watch out and ,learn to eat healthy now cus it will catch up to them. However, their father is 41 and he eats pretty much like they do and has held steady at 200 pounds since I've known him. Lucky *kitten*....[/quote]

    My hubby was the same, then he hit 52 and started piling it on, so quickly that he and I were gobsmacked!
  • Yeah, damn kids and their growing!
  • My sister has four boys and one of them eats like 8 pieces of toast for a before dinner snack and then eats the same thing after dinner. He has a very physical job, but still.
  • My boyfriend makes me angry as heck. He eats whatever he wants and is able to burn it all off from lifting. He doesn't even get acne from all junk and grease he eats.
  • I kind of miss the days of towering stacks of cinnamon toast.
  • I've got to admit that I'm sad I can't eat even one Totino's pizza without going over my daily calorie limit. They're so terrible, but so tasty.
  • Mmmmm cheese sticks... Peanut butter toast.... cinnamon toast!!!! This has turned into A very yummy thread...
  • I used to devour an entire bag of tortilla chips with a whole tub of salsa multiple nights a week when I was younger. I'd still be hungry and grab some Italian Ice, then eagerly await dinner. I really, really miss that. My mom is an amazing cook.
  • My boys have trouble keeping on weight so pizza rolls are constantly stocked in the freezer over here as well. They aren't even teenagers yet... not looking forward to those grocery bills!
  • My son and his friends got three large pizzas(I know this because the boxes are in the trash can ) and between the three of them, they ate a whole pizza each!!
  • Doesnt it have just as much to do with them being generally more active? I used to eat what i wanted, but I also used to be a lot more active.
  • Totinos pizzas are the hooker of food. Fake cheese, fake meat, fake sauce and absolutely delicious. And a buck.....................
  • Interesting. My son turned 13 a week ago and is eating less than ever. OTOH, he is growing like the proverbial weed (we are now EXACTLY the same height, which won't be the case for long) and I won't insist on him eating meals when he isn't hungry. He is definitely stretching out. I, um, just don't/can't do that anymore.

    Nacho cheese Doritos were my downfall as a youngster. I adore cinnamon toast but haven't had it in years. And pizza? I can take it or leave it--preferably leave it. My kid feels the same way, but that might just be parroting Mom. :) If only I can guide my son to not do what I did..... Now THERE'S a novel thought!!!
  • I remember being a teenager. As I recall, we ran a mile every day in PE, before we spent the rest of the hour playing basketball or something. After school, if I didn't have homework, I would get out and ride my bicycle. I remember picking up hay bales and carrying fifty pound feed sacks. If it hadn't been for that, my eating habits would have made me very overweight.
  • I feel for you. My eating machine will be coming home from college this week and my grocery bill will triple. He is skinny as a rail, and has slowed down some, but if I hit him on the right day with the right dinner, he can inhale it. I keep Kraft microwave Mac 'n cheese, as that is his favorite midnight snack, and he will eat a pound of bacon for breakfast. As for Totino's, he eats the pizza rolls for breakfast in his dorm room. He also asked for gravy to go with the Saturday morning biscuits and bacon this summer. He's not that active, aside from walking to classes, but he hasn't gained a pound in college. It's annoying.
  • I'm scared for my future food bills! I have 3 boys, they're little now but my 6 year old is tall and skinny as can be and he eats so.much.food. I don't even want to think about what he will be like 10 years from now!
  • All joking aside, they won't be nearly so hungry all the time if they are eating more calorie-dense, high protein foods. My son was a starving, 3-sport athlete in high school who could lose 2 pounds during wrestling season just running a mile or two. He had a big breakfast every morning. We fed him a lot of suppers of steak, chicken, pork, milk, and stocked him up with protein and granola bars for between classes and after school. After supper when he was hungry he'd have a PB & J on whole wheat bread with milk. He was consuming massive calories but not constantly starving, and did perform much better in his sports as well.
  • PeachyPlum wrote: »
    Man, when I was sixteen I could eat an entire loaf of bread making peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches in the afternoon before dinner.

    I miss those day.

  • My 17 year old has been lifting weights and bulking for the last few months and I can honestly tell you I can not keep up with the grocery/cooking/feeding that has been going on!! He also has a physical job part time after school. I try to make big breakfasts every morning and he packs everything out of the fridge for lunch, then when he gets home he eats about 2 meals before we have dinner and then after the gym he eats another meal with his mutant mass shake! Tonight it was an entire pan of baked popcorn chicken! That would feed myself and my other 2 kids for dinner. He is tall and slim and muscular, I'm proud of all his hard work, and broke from all his protein consumption!! Lol