I hate teenage boys...

And their stupid metabolisms! Just wanted to get that out there.... I really don't hate them, I love my kids but my stepson just ate 2 Totinos pizzas in a space of 30 minutes as a before dinner snack. (1320 calories and 140 carbs, in case anyone is counting!) We're having hamburgers for dinner and i'm sure he will eat that and a salad and potatoes and probably dessert later. Even as a teenager, I could never eat like that and not gain weight immediately! I'm totally jealous!! :-)

Those pizzas are so cheap and processed and such crap food but they are DELICIOUS. UGH... frozen pizzas are my guilty pleasure. They are so unhealthy and make me crave even more so if I EVER eat them, I indulge very sparingly. At least they don't last long in my house when we have them! Thanks for reading about my guilty cheap pizza love. Now I'm off to run a few miles to try and lose .010 of an ounce! :wink:


  • Totino's are the best. I totally feel for you! Haha.
  • The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!
    It's suddenly catching up with my 19 year-old daughter. She now wants help dropping her Freshman 15.
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!

    True, I just don't have any of those living in my house with me so I don't see them eating food I want today. :-) And when I was a teenage girl, I didn't get that blessing. I'm pretty sure I looked fat in my ultrasound.
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!

    living with two of those.... YUP!
  • My son just became a teenager today!

    Ha ha on the Totinos! I never met a pizza I didn't like. Seriously.
  • Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!
    It's suddenly catching up with my 19 year-old daughter. She now wants help dropping her Freshman 15.

    I keep telling them that they need to watch out and ,learn to eat healthy now cus it will catch up to them. However, their father is 41 and he eats pretty much like they do and has held steady at 200 pounds since I've known him. Lucky *kitten*....
  • Blast it out at the gym, and join them in pizza revelry. :)
  • kittykarin wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    The teenage girls are just as bad. Yay them!
    It's suddenly catching up with my 19 year-old daughter. She now wants help dropping her Freshman 15.

    I keep telling them that they need to watch out and ,learn to eat healthy now cus it will catch up to them. However, their father is 41 and he eats pretty much like they do and has held steady at 200 pounds since I've known him. Lucky *kitten*....

    my younger brother is 23 and still eats like he did in high school and is rail thin.

    i keep waiting for it to come and bite him in the butt.... but no luck so far.... LOLOLOL
  • How active is he? I was really active in my teen years and yeah...I could pretty much eat anything and everything...but I also knew a lot of overweight teenage boys too.

    Pretty much when I was growing up I was always moving just in general...plus I played sports, recreational play with my friends, walking to and from school, etc. Always on the move...
  • Oh yes. I have a 16 year old son and it is truly amazing to watch him eat. He's an athlete and trying to gain weight. Near as I can figure, he needs to eat at least 3000 calories a day. Scary. We're having frozen pizza tonight as a matter of fact. I fully expect him to eat the whole thing.
  • cwolfman13 wrote: »
    How active is he? I was really active in my teen years and yeah...I could pretty much eat anything and everything...but I also knew a lot of overweight teenage boys too.

    Pretty much when I was growing up I was always moving just in general...plus I played sports, recreational play with my friends, walking to and from school, etc. Always on the move...

    My stepsons aren't very active. They walk home from school but it's only about a mile. Then they sit in their room and do whatever they do on the computer. Neither of them play sports. It's definitely about genetics with them. Both of their biological parents are thin and always have been. My husband is just now upset because he is starting to get a tiny bit of a tummy at 41... ::eye roll::
  • Oh yes. I have a 16 year old son and it is truly amazing to watch him eat. He's an athlete and trying to gain weight. Near as I can figure, he needs to eat at least 3000 calories a day. Scary. We're having frozen pizza tonight as a matter of fact. I fully expect him to eat the whole thing.

    Depending on how tall he is, and how much he's doing for his athletics, he might have to eat well over that mark.

    3000 cals is way under maintenance for me at 6'1"/260lb gyming 3-4x/week.
  • My fiance is 28 and can still do this. It's infuriating. He eats two huge dinners every night and is six foot even and about 155 pounds and 12% BF. He puts away in a meal what I do in a day.
  • Oh yes. I have a 16 year old son and it is truly amazing to watch him eat. He's an athlete and trying to gain weight. Near as I can figure, he needs to eat at least 3000 calories a day. Scary. We're having frozen pizza tonight as a matter of fact. I fully expect him to eat the whole thing.

    Probably more...I'm 40 with a desk job and maintain on 2800 - 3000. Of course, I'm pretty active outside of work...but still, at 16 I"m guessing more than 3000 to gain weight.
  • I have twin younger brothers who were 3-sport athletes from 6th grade through college (cross country, indoor track, outdoor track & field). They ate horribly and voraciously as teenagers that whole time. They could each eat a whole Jacks pizza (my mom could get them 5 for $10, so she always had tons on hand), an entire bag of Doritos, 6-10 cans of Pepsi, a pound or more of pasta, etc.

    I asked one of them once why they didn't eat healthier -- aren't high-level athletes supposed to eat fruit/veg, lean protein, low-fat/non-fat dairy, etc.?

    His reply was classic, and I still remember it to this day, 15+ years later: "If the furnace is hot enough, anything will burn."
  • North44 wrote: »
    My son just became a teenager today!

    Ha ha on the Totinos! I never met a pizza I didn't like. Seriously.
    Preach girl, love me some pizza..

  • I have a 20 year old and an 18 year old and I swear they can eat their weight in pizza or burgers in one meal, 5 times a day. They can both put down an entire meal's worth of tacos in one sitting. They're as skinny as rails! It's crazy. But to give them some credit, they're both very active.

    I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted when I was younger, and I was always very thin. Then I turned 30 and it all went bad from there.
  • Man, when I was sixteen I could eat an entire loaf of bread making peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches in the afternoon before dinner.

    I miss those day.
  • I used to be the proverbial 98 pound weakling or 128 or something like that when I was a teenager. Somewhere around 20 that ended (probably discovered dark beer then LOL) and I had to be a little more careful. Around 45... a lot more careful, but I wasn't. And that's why I'm here.

    For most teens their body changes and activity level changes will catch up with them and they don't be the same calorie burning machines they are today. This is doubly true if they go from being active to less active and aren't mindful.

    My two sons are still calorie burning machines. It gets expensive too! :smiley:

    You are setting a great example, keep it up!