And their stupid metabolisms! Just wanted to get that out there.... I really don't hate them, I love my kids but my stepson just ate 2 Totinos pizzas in a space of 30 minutes as a before dinner snack. (1320 calories and 140 carbs, in case anyone is counting!) We're having hamburgers for dinner and i'm sure he will eat that and a salad and potatoes and probably dessert later. Even as a teenager, I could never eat like that and not gain weight immediately! I'm totally jealous!! :-)
Those pizzas are so cheap and processed and such crap food but they are DELICIOUS. UGH... frozen pizzas are my guilty pleasure. They are so unhealthy and make me crave even more so if I EVER eat them, I indulge very sparingly. At least they don't last long in my house when we have them! Thanks for reading about my guilty cheap pizza love. Now I'm off to run a few miles to try and lose .010 of an ounce!