just a question that anybody can answer

How many people count the condiments they use and add them. How many people don't. Should we add them or not.


  • I count them. I count spices and herbs too. Condiment calories can add up quickly.
  • Unfortunately, they add up, especially ones like ketchup. Lots of sugar. I love ketchup, but if I use it, I have to count it otherwise I could be off by 100 cals here and there. I don't count mustard, it's like a 'free' food to me. I always look at the label and if it has an amount on there that can screw up my plan for the day, then it gets charted. If I'm having an F-it type of day....it might not get counted, but I'll know in my mind.
  • I do it if it has calories. I weigh out the light ranch I use in my deviled eggs. If I used mayo, I would weigh it. I don't give a crap about mustard, and I don't worry about spices much either. Paprika, salt, pepper, cumin.... I ignore it. I don't log pickles either.
  • The only condiment I don't count is mustard. I measure out everything else.
  • I do not count them.
  • I don't count it if it's something like mustard. I don't use a lot of it, and the calories are negligible for me.

    If it's salad dressing, I'm definitely counting it.
  • Lexicpt wrote: »
    The only condiment I don't count is mustard. I measure out everything else.
    I even count mustard because of the salt.
  • If I'm losing, I count everything because my deficit isn't large, unless we're talking a shake of Tabasco or something.

    In maintenance, I don't bother with stuff like balsamic vinegar, hot sauce, and mustard because it's generally under 30 calories. I do measure anything oil or dairy based though or anything sweet.
  • I count sauces 'cause they add up, an example being 15g of Heinz mayo is something like 98 cals. I don't log things like salt and vinegar though.
  • The only condiment I count is mayonnaise on a BLT. Other condiments, like ketchup and mustard, I just don't eat too much of and when I do eat them the quantity is so small that I don't bother with them. I probably eat 1/2 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of mustard a month.
  • Salad dressing is my only "condiment" these days & I definitely measure carefully and count it!
  • How many people count the condiments they use and add them. How many people don't. Should we add them or not.

  • you should always use cond....

    Yeah usually count them if it's salad dressing or something, other than that you should be fine.
  • If they have calories I add them. I don't add spices, vinegar, salt, or Franks Hot Sauce.
  • I don't count salad dressing as a condiment. If it is a condiment then yes, I do count that one too.
  • When I don't pre-log for the day and I end up going over, it usually could've been avoided by cutting down on the condiments. I'm a condomentaholic. I count them :smile:
  • I'll count things like mayo or salad dressings or anything that will have a significant amount of calories. Things like salt, pepper, mustard, pickles with very low calories, I'll just do a "quick calorie add" and maybe put in 50 extra calories just to be on the safe side. This whole MFP thing would not be sustainable to me if I have to measure out cinnamon and salt to track and count. That would drive me insane!
  • I don't count spices but I do count condiments. I once used 50 calories' worth of mustard on a sandwich.
  • I log salad dressing and mayo, but I don't bother with anything else as I don't use very much.
  • Cant be bothered, it adds up, but it would annoy me too much. Salad dressing is a bit different due to the high calories.