I can't wait to be thin!

So, so far I have lost 40 pounds since I was at my biggest! I'm proud of myself so far, but I still have another 60 to go! I'm almost half way there, but I can't wait to be thin! I keep thinking of all the things I am going to do when I reach my goal weight, but not about right now! I guess what I'm trying to say is, how do you all stay motivated, I feel like I am running out of patience! I think I am just feeling the monday blues haha!


  • What kind of things do you want to do when you reach your goal weight that you can't do now?

    You aren't going to be a different person then. Unless there's something you literally can't do due to your weight, why wait?
  • Way to go on your weight loss so far!

    There's no "finish line" with weight loss. If you work hard and keep at it, you'll get to a place where you feel like it's a good stopping point for losing. But there's always another goal. And even maintenance takes work.

    It's not as though your life's problems will magically be solved when you reach your goal weight. You'll still be you -- just a smaller you. You won't be happier, smarter, a better partner/parent/friend/coworker. You won't magically have bells and whistles and unicorns and a perfect life. Everyone has struggles and everyone's life goes through ups and downs. Even thin people have problems.

    So focus on getting to love yourself right now, as you are. Do things that make you happy, work on getting to a point where you're happy and confident with yourself, and where you love yourself enough to want to achieve your goals -- whether they be weight loss or anything else.
  • 40 lbs lost is amazing!! Keep it up you will get there
  • Nothing worthwhile, happens overnight. The longer journeys are the memories that last a lifetime!! Good luck on your journey.
  • I guess it's down to confidence - I think I will feel like I will be able to put myself out there more if I was more happier with my body. But you are right - I will still be the same person!
  • Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! Think I'm just having a down day - normally I'm pretty pumped and motivated! Just taking it one day at a time :)
  • Congrats on your progress. The last thing I did to keep my motivation is put 20 lbs of weight in a back pack and carry it around for a while to mimic me at my heaviest. When I took it off, it felt good and helped keep me heading in the right direction.
  • I know what you mean. It's kind of the same for me, but I think it's really a psychological problem that you (and I, too) need to get over. I always have these stupid thoughts that people don't want to be seen with me b/c I am not super-thin (aka the weight I want to be at), that I can't do XYZ (go to the pool, hang around at a lake, eat out in public, you name it), but I highly doubt that's true. Your friends don't care, right? They like you for who you are, whether your arms are not 100% toned yet or not.

    In reality, your weight does not keep you from doing the things you want to do, whatever that is (unless you are morbidly obese and want to run a marathon, but I assume that is not what you are talking about).

    Try to approach the whole weight loss as a journey. I've lost 41lbs so far, have 26 to go, and I get impatient, just like you. I have these thoughts of "oh, how great will things be when I am finally at my goal weight", but I also know that being thin won't magically change my life or will open up doors that are closed to me right now. I am pretty sure it's the same for you :)

    Just as a side note: You don't look as if you need to lose another 60lbs!
  • Part of the skill is in waiting and being patient. If you are going to think about being thin, then use it to motivate yourself.
  • PaigeJay93 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments! Think I'm just having a down day - normally I'm pretty pumped and motivated! Just taking it one day at a time :)

    Everyone has down days sometimes. You got this.
  • PaigeJay93 wrote: »
    I guess it's down to confidence - I think I will feel like I will be able to put myself out there more if I was more happier with my body. But you are right - I will still be the same person!

    First, congratulations! You are doing great!
    Second, it takes a while for your brain to catch up to your body, so just keep being consistent and your brain will soon know that your body is sending it messages saying, "Hey, look what I've done! Time to let your confidence shine through!"
    Third, read the "What no one tells you about weight loss" thread on the Success board. Very inspiring!
  • Also, go out and treat yourself to some amazing clothes right now that fit you at your current size and make you feel like a rockstar. Get them tailored if necessary. Confidence is attitude, not dress size.
  • Make smaller goals for every day/week/month, maybe not even related to weight loss. That way you can see progress and feel motivated and awesome ALL the time!
  • segacs wrote: »
    Also, go out and treat yourself to some amazing clothes right now that fit you at your current size and make you feel like a rockstar. Get them tailored if necessary. Confidence is attitude, not dress size.

    Yes! Also with that gorgeous hair in your profile pic you have no reason whatsoever to not be confident at whatever size! So pretty.
  • i have at least 65 to go (really more but thats my first BIG goal) and the only thing i plan on doing different is wearing smaller clothes.... and ive already started that! ;)

  • Just remember that you have no desire to be fatter than you are right now and keep doing what you're doing.
  • Excellent work, almost half way there! Forty pounds huh? Needing motivation huh?
    This is what I tell my friends: Go to the grocery, pick up one of them 25 pound bags of cat litter and stuff it in your pants. Then grab another 10 pounder (this will be close enough). Walk up and down the isles of the grocery store. EVERY ISLE.....you motivated yet?
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Excellent work, almost half way there! Forty pounds huh? Needing motivation huh?
    This is what I tell my friends: Go to the grocery, pick up one of them 25 pound bags of cat litter and stuff it in your pants. Then grab another 10 pounder (this will be close enough). Walk up and down the isles of the grocery store. EVERY ISLE.....you motivated yet?

    This is great! But hilarious! I hope I see you in my local grocery store!
  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Excellent work, almost half way there! Forty pounds huh? Needing motivation huh?
    This is what I tell my friends: Go to the grocery, pick up one of them 25 pound bags of cat litter and stuff it in your pants. Then grab another 10 pounder (this will be close enough). Walk up and down the isles of the grocery store. EVERY ISLE.....you motivated yet?

    you want us all to be accused of shoplifting cat litter, huh? LOLOLOLOL

  • Great progress so far, be proud of yourself! I get where you're coming from-after I transitioned into maintenance I did start feeling more comfortable in my skin and felt more confident doing things that I wouldn't have thought about doing before. Not that I couldn't do them before when I was heavier, but the extra weight made me hesitant to do them (like going skiing, wearing a two piece swim suit etc). I'm a pretty happy person and I was happy with my life before the weight loss and I'm happy now, being thin-but I am definitely having a bit more fun now :p