Cleanse/Detox Questions



  • Before ya start judging and saying detoxing/cleansing isn't good. I've done some research already. I don't want to do those fad juice cleanses (I know they're no good). I just want to clean up my body. I do drink and smoke, occasionally, but I'm turning over a new leaf and I decided to stop doing that. I get really bloated sometimes, headaches and I usually take a while in the rr. I don't want to just drink a certain liquid all day. I want something natural that will help me clean my liver, stomach, etc. catch my drift? I still want to eat healthy during the day. I just want like an extra boost to help get rid of anything that isn't helping me. and yes i know that the body has its own way of flushing toxins out. Anyone have any suggestions on how to this? Something that is not frowned upon or dangerous to the body. I do drink plenty of water, no coke or other carbonated drinks.

    I appreciate any honest answers but if you can't help please shy away from commenting.

    you know they don't work, but you want to know which one to do???

    The answer is your liver and kidneys already do this and there is no cleanse that is going to do what they are already doing.

  • BramageOMG wrote: »
    Detox/Cleanse Diet: lower in calories; cut out refined sugars, soda, packaged foods and unhealthy snacks, sodium, alcohol, and anything cooked. Encourage lots of fruits, vegetables, water, and tea. Remove all processed foods from your diet.

    What does this detox or cleanse, exactly?

    your sanity ….
  • There really isn't anything additional you need to do to 'cleanse' or be 'healthier'.

    Just continue to eat well, stay away from cigarettes and drink water. Maybe take a multi-vitamin. Really, that's it.