Cleanse/Detox Questions

Before ya start judging and saying detoxing/cleansing isn't good. I've done some research already. I don't want to do those fad juice cleanses (I know they're no good). I just want to clean up my body. I do drink and smoke, occasionally, but I'm turning over a new leaf and I decided to stop doing that. I get really bloated sometimes, headaches and I usually take a while in the rr. I don't want to just drink a certain liquid all day. I want something natural that will help me clean my liver, stomach, etc. catch my drift? I still want to eat healthy during the day. I just want like an extra boost to help get rid of anything that isn't helping me. and yes i know that the body has its own way of flushing toxins out. Anyone have any suggestions on how to this? Something that is not frowned upon or dangerous to the body. I do drink plenty of water, no coke or other carbonated drinks.

I appreciate any honest answers but if you can't help please shy away from commenting.


  • What do you think would work? You seem to have a specific answer that you're looking for, so why not tell us what you want?

    What do you think that "extra boost" would be?
  • Well...I think...the...and...nope, couldn't be helpful. Never heard any good coming from cleanses/detoxes. Please don't.
  • If you want to clean your body up; stop smoking.
    Before ya start judging and saying detoxing/cleansing isn't good. I've done some research already. I don't want to do those fad juice cleanses (I know they're no good). I just want to clean up my body. I do drink and smoke, occasionally, but I'm turning over a new leaf and I want to stop doing that. I get really bloated sometimes, headaches and I usually take a while in the rr. I don't want to just drink a certain liquid all day. I want something natural that will help me clean my liver, stomach, etc. catch my drift? I still want to eat healthy during the day. I just want like an extra boost to help flush out toxins. and yes i know that the body has its own way of flushing toxins out.

    I appreciate any honest answers but if you can't help please shy away from commenting.

    You basically started off anti-detox, then said "to help flush out toxins", that's exactly what these 'detoxes' are meant to do. Your liver, skin and kidneys all do that for you. There is no need to detox.

    Stop smoking, that is already putting enough toxins into your body. Arsenic, cyanide, smoke...
  • Since you've done some research, I'll just reiterate what you should have learned: there's no such thing as a detox or cleanse. Not in the sense you're talking about, anyway.

    Stop smoking - that'll help. Drink alcohol less, and water more - that'll help.

    Really -that's it.
  • What 'toxins' did your research say you need to 'flush out'?
  • I'm confused...I don't actually see a question. What is your question?
  • Please read the full post before commenting. I stated that I'm turning over a new leaf, I won't smoke anymore. I know it's bad. So thats out of the picture.
    Second, I was thinking of something like a tea in the morning or I've heard of apple cider vinegar in the mornings has shown improvements in some people's health. I just want more info. I don't believe in doing a 3 day thing or 7 day thing and eating nothing. I know the body still needs nutrients.
  • TR0berts wrote: »
    Stop smoking - that'll help. Drink alcohol less, and water more - that'll help.

    Really -that's it.

  • For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do.

    P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol
  • Water. Oh, about 64 ounces per day. That should do it.
  • jaga13 wrote: »
    I'm confused...I don't actually see a question. What is your question?

    Sorry, I edited the post now.
  • Drink enough fluid to keep well hydrated, keep smoking/booze to a minimum, eat nutritious food and lay off anything which causes you to bloat (which might be salty food/fizzy drinks/whatever), get enough sleep and exercise regularly. That'll do you. Your body can detox itself.
  • Water. Oh, about 64 ounces per day. That should do it.
    I drink plenty of water, thanks.

  • JSurita2 wrote: »
    For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do.

    P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol

    P.S. I've already said that I quit. I'm not addicted, good thing. And I drink plenty of water.

  • Water. Oh, about 64 ounces per day. That should do it.
    I drink plenty of water, thanks.

    You're missing the point.
  • JSurita2 wrote: »
    For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do.

    P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol

    P.S. I've already said that I quit. I'm not addicted, good thing. And I drink plenty of water.

    In that case, you're already doing all the detoxing/cleansing that you can do.
  • You could try incorporating one meal loaded with healthy veggies? A big colourful rainbow salad each day? Loading up on healthy veggies will help give your body lots of vitamins and nutrients that it needs.

    You didn't really touch on how your diet is ... so many this is a good start?

  • I personally would rather start my day with a glass of gasoline than a drink of vinegar. I start my day with 2 cups of coffee with cream. I drink a lot of water. I eat a lot of water-rich foods. It's been said on here before that the toilet paper industry is proof that your body knows how to detoxify itself. It's best to focus on keeping the toxins OUT and your decision to stop smoking is a great one! I prepare the majority of my foods from scratch, and avoid packaged/processed foods the majority of the time.
  • JSurita2 wrote: »
    For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do.

    P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol

    P.S. I've already said that I quit. I'm not addicted, good thing. And I drink plenty of water.

    Then that's all you need to do.

  • I honestly don't know of any special substance that's going to give you the results you're looking for. Congrats on quitting smoking.