svgomez1241 wrote: » Before ya start judging and saying detoxing/cleansing isn't good. I've done some research already. I don't want to do those fad juice cleanses (I know they're no good). I just want to clean up my body. I do drink and smoke, occasionally, but I'm turning over a new leaf and I want to stop doing that. I get really bloated sometimes, headaches and I usually take a while in the rr. I don't want to just drink a certain liquid all day. I want something natural that will help me clean my liver, stomach, etc. catch my drift? I still want to eat healthy during the day. I just want like an extra boost to help flush out toxins. and yes i know that the body has its own way of flushing toxins out. I appreciate any honest answers but if you can't help please shy away from commenting.
TR0berts wrote: » Stop smoking - that'll help. Drink alcohol less, and water more - that'll help. Really -that's it.
jaga13 wrote: » I'm confused...I don't actually see a question. What is your question?
quiksylver296 wrote: » Water. Oh, about 64 ounces per day. That should do it.
JSurita2 wrote: » For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do. P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol
svgomez1241 wrote: » quiksylver296 wrote: » Water. Oh, about 64 ounces per day. That should do it. I drink plenty of water, thanks.
svgomez1241 wrote: » JSurita2 wrote: » For starters, I'd quit smoking. If you only do it occasionally then it shouldn't be too hard to stop. Cigarettes are full of toxins and a disgusting habit. If you're not addicted yet, I'd start there. As far as "flushing out toxins", I'm guessing drink lots of water to help your liver and kidneys do what they are there to do. P.S. You may possibly get stoned to death for this post/question. lol P.S. I've already said that I quit. I'm not addicted, good thing. And I drink plenty of water.