I'm not new to MyFitnessPal, I've been here before. I left here about 3 years ago after losing approximately 38lbs and reaching a goal weight of 130lbs. The people around me told me I'd lost my curves, but I felt great! Once I reached my goal weight and tired of hearing the complaints of "loved ones" I quit using MFP as much...over the next 3 years I gained back all my weight, had a back surgery, and put on an additional 10 lbs. So, here I am at 178 lbs and getting back on the bandwagon. Only this time I don't want to diet. You see, I realized I had a "food addiction". It's a real thing, look it up. My problem isn't bulimia or anorexia, it's binging. No purging involved, just the binging. I have determined my trigger foods and am working on removing them from my diet altogether over time. Each week I give up something. I have 1 thing that is off limits, that I refuse to give up- coffee!

I am currently on week 3. My biggest "trigger" food was candy. I gave that up during week 1. Well, in all actuality I gave up high fructose corn syrup, but that encompasses about 95% of candy. Week 2 I gave up sodas, including diet sodas. I have a whole list of things I'm going to give up over the next year. However, as I was making list I realized I need to also be ADDING things. This week I'm adding in 30 minutes of exercise 3 days/week. Next week I'm adding in 64 oz. of water each day. Every 2 weeks I will alternate adding and taking away. Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated on my journey!