52 weeks to healthy

I'm not new to MyFitnessPal, I've been here before. I left here about 3 years ago after losing approximately 38lbs and reaching a goal weight of 130lbs. The people around me told me I'd lost my curves, but I felt great! Once I reached my goal weight and tired of hearing the complaints of "loved ones" I quit using MFP as much...over the next 3 years I gained back all my weight, had a back surgery, and put on an additional 10 lbs. So, here I am at 178 lbs and getting back on the bandwagon. Only this time I don't want to diet. You see, I realized I had a "food addiction". It's a real thing, look it up. My problem isn't bulimia or anorexia, it's binging. No purging involved, just the binging. I have determined my trigger foods and am working on removing them from my diet altogether over time. Each week I give up something. I have 1 thing that is off limits, that I refuse to give up- coffee! :blush: I am currently on week 3. My biggest "trigger" food was candy. I gave that up during week 1. Well, in all actuality I gave up high fructose corn syrup, but that encompasses about 95% of candy. Week 2 I gave up sodas, including diet sodas. I have a whole list of things I'm going to give up over the next year. However, as I was making list I realized I need to also be ADDING things. This week I'm adding in 30 minutes of exercise 3 days/week. Next week I'm adding in 64 oz. of water each day. Every 2 weeks I will alternate adding and taking away. Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated on my journey!


  • good luck! great plan!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    You have a perfect plan. I also am not just about counting calories but more about leading a healthier lifestyle that will make me look and feel better. Best of luck!
  • That sounds like a great plan!! Would you mind posting the list that you have started to give the rest of us an example to start from? I would like to try this as well. Each week we should post what we have added or removed from our life! This week I am removing my glass of wine with dinner 5 out of 7 days a week.
  • Awesome job! You've got a great plan. We're almost neighbors (Greer/Taylors, SC) here. Add me if you want some local perspectives. Keep up the great work!
  • good luck!
  • I'd be happy to post my list... It's in a notebook at home but when I get there tonight I can post it :) maybe this will help others help me too because I'm running out of things to add and remove!
  • Please be careful. If you already have an eating disorder (binging) having food restrictions/rules might not be a safe choice for you. Your post implies loved ones were worried last time, so maybe you should seek the guidance of a professional to help you make a lasting healthy change.
    I wish you nothing but the best in your journey! ☺
  • If you truly think you have Binge Eating Disorder (or any other ED) you need to get professional help for diagnosis and treatment. Just cutting out foods isn't going to cure the underlying psychological problem.
  • Wishing u all the best :) feel free to add me if u are looking for support and motivation! I have an issue that I can't eat all the time healthy or making diet which will eventually FAIL! so I'm eating whatever I want under control like 70% healthy and 30% for myself :)
  • List: Take aways (in no certain order): -unnatural sugars (anything with added sugar- this will be MUCH later), replace anything white with wheat, chips, processed meats (hotdogs, lunchmeats, etc), frozen meals, fast food, artificial sweetener, alcohol should be 3 days a week or less. Adds: -yoga 2-3 days a week, -10 min daily meditation, 3 servings of fresh veggies, chia seeds, red wine, fish 2 meals a week, 1 serving of healthy fat a day (avocado, almonds, etc), 1 serving of kale a day, a "super food" everyday... feel free to add to it to help me out!
  • I wish you luck on your journey. You don't "need" your delete list and what you have added is a much better choice. However I do agree with some of the other comments about your relationship with food. Only you can know if there are underlying issues and whether you need help with them. Over a period of time I have cut out some foods but only because I think I can make better choices and they weren't anything I would miss anyway. I will add you as a friend and hope you accept.