daronjd wrote: » Hello! I have been using MFP for a little over 2 years (off and on). I just started using it again. I stopped the first time because I spent years struggling with a severe eating disorder and really didn't want to be ritualistic with calorie counting. I am back on MFP because I need the accountability as I continue in my journey to a healthy weight! I was hoping that I could get some feedback from a few of the community members about how to cope when your spouse is not motivated to join you in your lifestyle change. My husband is willing to walk with me when I ask him but he keeps challenging foods around the house that tempt me and expects me to restrain myself. I was hoping for a little advice from you all. I have lost apprx 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I am thrilled with it but my issue in the past has been maintenance and I am fearful that I will fall back into bad habits because of the food that my husband likes to keep around for himself. Thanks.
Calliope610 wrote: » Exercise your self control. You know, it's like a muscle; the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.
mfermo wrote: » I am amazed by how politically correct are the most of suggestions: it's your problem not his, it's still possible, you need more discipline, etc. I agree of course he doesn't need to align with everything...but... if he's is not helping you and you told him and made clear it's important thing for you, quite frankly I think it's fair expectation to get some help, support and little sacrifice from the spouse.So, take the drastic approach and stop sex until he throws away all tempting food ! ... and "may the force be with you"... My 2 cents