Starting again!!

edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I had this app a couple years back, but slacked majorly! I am looking to lose 10 lbs and overall just become a healthier person. I always get on these kicks and as soon as I see results I go back into my old habits.. It's horrible. If anyone has advice to push through to reach my goal it would be much appreciated :) I am looking for friends and support on here because I know it would help tons, and of course I reciprocate the support ☺️ Hope everyone is having a great Monday!


  • Feel free to add me, I do exactly the same with sabotaging myself when I start doing well!
  • Thank you! We can motivate each other through that (:
  • Yup, same here - social support appreciated!
  • Same here! I want to lose 10lbs and the healthy food regime is going well but not so well with the excersise, oh well it's only been one week! O bought myself a new bikini today one size smaller to keep me motivated :)

  • Sarah!

    Thats a great idea! Thanks for the add. I have a pair or high waisted short Iv been trying to fit in for 2 years so that the goal! Hopefully we will both get there! I will for sure be supporting you! Same with you bigonroad :)
  • I've started again too. Tired of up and down on the scale. I'm motivated and can help encourage others. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I've started again too!! Though I have nearly 3 stone go lose. Again at the start of all diets (and I've started a load) I do really well- slimming world and weight watchers included. I get to about a stone loss usually doing quite well and then completely lose all focus. I logged in again to this app for the first time in 2 years with a new found focus- do hope I can remain motivated.
  • Great day to start losing weight! I lost 5 lbs and then a stopped tracking and gained it back. Need to keep with it and get down another 20 lbs.
  • Summer,
    I'm right there with you... So tired of the ups and downs. Lets put an end to it!!!

    I'm i terrible with the dieting part! No self control maybe you can motivate help me with that! Good luck with everything :)

    Yes! It's a beautiful day, making it much easier to stay motivated. The min I stop keeping track I gain it all back to! We've gotta be on this bad boy everyday lol